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Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:

MS 38-1 Diruta, Il Transilvano. Vol. 1: 1593, ed. Bradshaw and Soehnlen
MS 38-2 Diruta, Il Transilvano. Vol. 2: 1609, ed. Bradshaw and Soehnlen

Diruta, Il Transilvano, Part 1: 1593


Sample Pages

MS 38 Girolamo Diruta (1554-1610), "The Transylvanian" (Il Transilvano).

Vol. 1: (1593).

Edited by Murray C. Bradshaw and Edward J. Soehnlen.

     [viii]+108 pp.  

  Bound copy temporarily out of stock.
Unbound 8.5x11(A4) offprint available.

MS 38–1–POD  $40.00

Girolamo Diruta (1554-1610), "The Transylvanian" (Il Transilvano). Vol. 1: (1593). Edited by Murray C. Bradshaw and Edward J. Soehnlen. Translation into English of the first part from 1593 with music  examples and 13 complete toccatas by various composers including Diruta and both Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli.

    I. The Treatise  1
    II. The Cast of Characters  8
    III. The Contents  12
    IV. The Composers and the Music  19
    V. The Present Edition  25
    VI. Musical Concordances  27

  Translation into English of Part 1 (1593)
  Title Page  35
  Dedication to the Prince of Transylvania  36
  The Author of the Work to the Prudent Reader  37
  To the Readers [by] Claudio Merulo  40
  The Transylvania, Dialogue  41
  Table of Contents  107

MS 38-1 Diruta, Il Transilvano. Vol. 1: 1593, ed. Bradshaw and Soehnlen
MS 38-2 Diruta, Il Transilvano. Vol. 2: 1609, ed. Bradshaw and Soehnlen

Diruta, Il Transilvano, Part 2: 1609


Sample Pages

MS 38 Girolamo Diruta (1554-1610), "The Transylvanian" (Il Transilvano).

Vol. 2: (1609).

Edited by Murray C. Bradshaw and Edward J. Soehnlen.

     [v]+180 pp.  

   Bound copy temporarily out of stock.
Unbound 8.5x11(A4) offprint available.

MS 38–2–POD  $43.00

Girolamo Diruta (1554-1610), "The Transylvanian" (Il Transilvano). Vol. 2: (1609). Edited by Murray C. Bradshaw and Edward J. Soehnlen. Translation of the second part from 1609, including music examples and complete works, including hymns, magnificats, and other works in keyboard score and open score.

  Translation into English of Part II (1609)
  Title Page  1
  Dedication to the Duchess Leonora Ursina Sforza  2
  The Transylvania, Dialogue [Part Two]  3
    Book One  3
    Book Two  32
    Book Three  94
    Book Four  119
  Table of Contents [Part Two]  161
  Bibliography  165
  Index  172

MS 38-1 Diruta, Il Transilvano. Vol. 1: 1593, ed. Bradshaw and Soehnlen
MS 38-2 Diruta, Il Transilvano. Vol. 2: 1609, ed. Bradshaw and Soehnlen


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