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Musica Disciplina Complete Contents List

The following article list is sorted by the sequence of the articles as they appeared in MD. Use your browser's SEARCH/FIND function to find a specific name or issue.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):3.

DAVIDSON, Archibald T. “A New Music Periodical: Its Future Influence.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):5.

KINKELDEY, Otto. “Musical Scholarship and the University.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):10.

EINSTEIN, Alfred. “The Greghesca and the Giustiniana of the Sixteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):19.

VAN DEN BORREN, Charles. “La contribution italienne au Thesaurus Musicus de 1564.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):33.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “The Concept of the ‘Imitatione della natura’ in the Sixteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):47.

APEL, Willi. “The Collection of Photographic Reproductions at the Isham Memorial Library, Harvard University. A Descriptive List, I.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):68.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Renaissance News.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):74.

ROKSETH, Yvonne. “Musical Scholarship in France during the War.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):81.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Bibliography of Periodical Literature.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):85.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Bibliography of Reviews.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):86.

Bibliography. “Books.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):88.

WALKER, D. P. “The Aims of Baíf’s Académie de Poesie et de Musique.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):91.

NETTL, Paul. “The Austrian Baroque Lied.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):101.

ANTHON, Carl. “Some Aspects of the Social Status of Italian Musicians During the Sixteenth Century. Part I.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):111.

HERZ, Gerhard. “Bach’s Religion.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):124.

APEL, Willi. “A Remark About the Basse Dance.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):139.

APEL, Willi. “The Collection of Photographic Reproductions at the Isham Memorial Library, Harvard University. Part II.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):144.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Renaissance News.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):149.

SCHRADE, Leo. “Review: Edward E. Lowinsky, A Secret Chromatic Art in the Netherlands Motet.Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):159.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Bibliography.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):169.

Notes. “Notes for Contributors.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):172.

GHISI, Federico. “Italian Ars Nova Music: The Perugia and Pistoia Fragments of the Lucca Codex, and Other Unpublished Early Fifteenth-Century Sources.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):173.

ROKSETH, Yvonne. “Un Magnificat de Marc-Antoine Charpentier (d.1704).” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):192.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “The Musica Nova of Adriano Willaert.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):200.

ANTHON, Carl. “Some Aspects of the Social Status of Italian Musicians During the Sixteenth Century. Part II.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):222.

APEL, Willi. “The Collection of Photographic Reproductions at the Isham Memorial Library, Harvard University. Part III.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):235.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Renaissance News.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):239.

APEL, Willi. “Review: Knud Jeppesen, Die italienische Orgelmusik am Anfang des Cinquecento.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):244.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Bibliography.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):247.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):253.

KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar. “Music and Learning in the Early Italian Renaissance.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):255.

TYBY, Ottavio. “La Famiglia Scarlatti (Nuove ricerche e documenti).” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):275.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Renaissance News.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):293.

COPPERSMITH, J. M. “Review: Beekman C. Cannon, Johann Mattheson; Spectator in Music.Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):297

STERNFELD, Frederick W., comp. “Bibliography [1946–47].” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946):299.

GHISI, Federico, ed. “Supplement: Italian Ars-Nova Musica.” Musica Disciplina 1 (1946): Sup.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):3.

DE VAN, Guillaume. “A Recently Discovered Source of Early Fifteenth-Century Music: The Aosta Manuscript.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):5.

DE VAN, Guillaume. “Le Pedagogie musicale è la fin du moyen age.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):75.

STERNFELD, Frederick W. “Music in the Schools of the Reformation.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):99.

HANDSCHIN, Jaques. “Anselmi’s Treatise on Music Annotated by Gafori.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):123.

WALKER, D. P. “The Influence of Musique mesurée á l’antique, Particularly on the Airs de Cour of the Early Seventeenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):141.

BUKOFZER, Manfred F. “Two Mensuration Canons.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):165.

GHISI, Federico. “A Second Sienese Fragment of Italian Ars Nova.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):173.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “The Second Summer Session of the American Institute of Musicology in Rome.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):179.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Dedication [to Yvonne Rokseth].” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):187.

ELLINWOOD, Leonard. “Tallis’ Tunes and Tudor Psalmody.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):189.

PIRROTA, Nino. “On the Problem of ‘Summer is Icumen In.’ ” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):205.

TYBY, Ottavio. “Sebastian Raval-A Sixteenth-Century Spanish Musician in Italy.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):217.

LESURE, François. “Claude Goudimel, étudiant, correcteur et éditeur parisien.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):225.

DE VAN, Guillaume. “An Inventory of the Manuscript Bologna, Liceo Musicale, Q 15 (Olim 37).” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):231.

WALKER, D. P., Review “Francis Yates, The French Academies of the Sixteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):259.

CLERCX, Suzanne et al., comp. “Bibliography 1947–1948.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):263.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Corrigenda.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):274.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “The Summer Session of the American Institute of Musicology in Rome.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):277.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Communications.” Musica Disciplina 2 (1948):279.

MOSER, Hans Joachim. “Lutheran Composers in the Hapsburg Empire 1525–1732.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):3.

SMITS VAN WAESBERGHE, Jos. “Some Music Treatises and their Interrelation—A School of Liége (ca. 1050–1200)? Part I.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):25.

LESURE, François. “Pierre Attaingnant, notes et documents.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):33.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: In Reply to an Incorrect Statement.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):45.

HANDSCHIN, Jaques. “The Summer Canon and Its Background. Part I.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):55.

SMITS VAN WAESBERGHE, Jos. “Some Music Treatises and their Interrelation-A School of Liége (ca. 1050–1200)? Part II.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):95.

PIRROTA, Nino. “Il Codice di Lucca. Part I: Descrizione e Inventario.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):119.

APEL, Willi. “The Early Development of the Organ Ricercar.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):139.

WALKER, D. P. and François LESURE. “Claude Le Jeune and Musique Mesurée.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):151.

MIES, Otto Heinrich. “Elizabethan Music Prints in an East-Prussian Castle.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):171.

VAN DER LINDEN, Albert et al., comp. “Bibliography 1949–1950,“ Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):173.

MOSER, Hans Joachim. “Corrections [to Lutheran Composers in the Hapsburg Empire 1525–1732.].” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):184.

Communications. “Communications.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):185.

Announcements. “Announcements.” Musica Disciplina 3 (1949):187.

HANDSCHIN, Jaques. “The ‘Timaeus’ Scale.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):3.

GOMBOSI, Otto. “Gothic Form—A Marginal Note.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):43.

AVENARY-LOWENSTEIN, Hanoch. “The Mixture Principle in the Medieval Organ—An Early Evidence.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):51.

MIES, Otto Heinrich. “Dowland’s Lachrymae Tune.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):59.

BRIDGMAN, Nanie. “L’Establissement dùn catalogue par incipit musicaux.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):65.

FERRARA, Mario. “Da ‘Dabud’ strumento musicale a ‘Dabud’ Millantatore.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):69.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “A Fourteenth-Century Florentine Treatise in the Vernacular.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):81.

Announcements. “Announcements.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):93.

VAN DYJK, S.A. “Saint Bernard and the Instituta Patrum of Saint Gall.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):99.

LI GOTTO, Errore. “Il Codice di Luca. Part II: Testi letterari. (cf. Pirrotta for Parts I and III).” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):111.

KAHMANN, B. “Antoine de Févin—A Bio-bibliographical Contribution. Part I: Biographical Details.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):153.

WALKER, D. P. “Some Aspects and Problems of Musique Mesuée à l’Anitque—The Rhythm and Notation of Musique Mesurée.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):163.

LESURE, François. “La Guitare en France au XVIè Siècle.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):187.

Corrections. “Corrections.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):196.

ELLINWOOD, Leonard, et al., comp. “Bibliography [1949–1950].” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):197.

Announcements. “Announcements.” Musica Disciplina 4 (1950):215.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: A Preface to the Transcription of Polyphonic Music.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):3.

SMITS VAN WAESBERGHE, Jos. “The Musical Notation of Guido of Arezzo.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):15.

SMITS VAN WAESBERGHE, Jos. “Guido von Arezzo and Musical Improvisation.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):55.

HANDSCHIN, Jacques. “The Summer Canon and Its Background. [Part II].” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):65.

PIRROTA, Nino. “Il Codice di Lucca. Part III: Il repertorio musicale (cf. Li Gotti for Part II).” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):115.

KAHMANN, B. “Antoine de Févin—A Bio-bibliographical Contribution. Part II: A Bibliography.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):143.

LESURE, François. “Clement Janequin-Recherches sur sa vie et son oeuvre.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):157.

MOSER, Hans Joachim. “Johannes Zanger’s ‘Praecepta.’ ” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):195.

TYBY, Ottavio. “The Polyphonic School in Sicily of the Sixteenth-Seventeenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):203.

APEL, Willi. “Ancent a Ritornello in Monteverdi’s Orfeo.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):213.

Bibliography. “Bibliography, 1950–1951.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):223.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “A Note on Corpus Scriptorum de Musica.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):239.

Announcements. “Announcements.” Musica Disciplina 5 (1951):241.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: Book Reviews and Musica Disciplina.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):3.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: P.S. to the Editorial in Musica Disciplina Vol. V.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):5.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: A Welcome to a New Periodical.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):6.

VAN DIJK, S.J.P. “Medieval Terminology and Methods of Psalm Singing.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):7.

AVENARY, Hanoch. “Abu’l-Salt’s Treatise on Music.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):27.

REANEY, Gilbert. “A Chronology of the Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais set to Music by Guilaume de Machaut.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):33.

BESSELER, Heinrich. “The Manuscript Bologna Biblioteca Universitaria 2216.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):39.

CROLL, Gerhard. “Gasper van Weerbeke: An Outline of His Life and Works.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):67.

HUGHES, Anselm. “An Introduction to Fayrfax.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):83.

WARD, John. “The Editorial Methods of Venegas de Henestrosa.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):105.

FEDERHOFER; Helmut. “Alessandro Tadei a Pupil of Giovanni Gabrieli.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):115.

MOSER, Hans Joachim. “Addendum: Johannes Zanger’s ‘Praecepta.’ ” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):133.

SMITS VAN WAESBERGHE, Jos. “John of Affligem or John Cotton?” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):139.

REANEY, Gilbert. “Concerning the Origins of the Rondeau, Virelai, and Ballade Forms.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):155.

STEVENS, Denis. “A Unique Tudor Organ Mass.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):167.

STEVENSON, Robert. “Thomas Morley’s ‘Plaine and Easie’ Introduction to the Modes.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):177.

Bibliography. “Bibliography, 1951–1952.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):185.

Announcements. “Announcements.” Musica Disciplina 6 (1952):199.

AVENARY, Hanoch. “Formal Structure of Psalms and Canticles in Early Jewish and Christian Chant.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):1.

SMITS VAN WAESBERGHE, Jos. “A Dutch Easter Play.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):15.

DITTMER, Luther A. “Binary Rhythm, Musical Theory and the Worcester Fragments.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):39.

BRAGARD, Roger. “Le Speculum Musicae du Compilateur Jacques de Liége. [Part I].” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):59.

HARDER, Hanna. “Die Messe von Toulouse.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):105.

REANEY, Gilbert. “Fourteenth-Century Harmony and the Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais of Guilaume de Machaut.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):129.

SALMEN, Walter. “Werdegang und Lebensfülle des Oswald von Wolkenstein.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):147.

MEIER, Bernhard. “Die Handschrift Porto 714 als Quelle zur Tonartlehre des 15. Jahrhunderts.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):175.

FRASER, Russell A. “Early Elizabethan Songs: John Hall’s Court of Virtue, 1565.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):199.

FEDERHOFER, Helmut. “Matthia Ferrabosco.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):205.

Bibliography. “Bibliography, 1952–1953.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):235.

Announcements. “Announcements.” Musica Disciplina 7 (1953):247.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: What is the Primary Task of Musical Scholarship?” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):I.

BRAGARD, Roger. “Le Speculum Musicae du Compilateur Jaques de Liége. [Part II].” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):1.

DITTMER, Luther A. “An English Discantuum Volumen.” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):19.

REANEY, Gilbert. “The Manuscript Chantilly, Musée Condé 1047.” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):59.

BOWLES, Edmund A. “Haut and Bas: The Grouping of Musical Instrument in the Middle Ages.” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):115.

FELDMANN, Fritz. “Untersuchungen vom Wort-Ton-Verhältnis in den Gloria-Credo-Sätzen von Dufay bis Josquin.” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):141.

BERNET KEMPERS, K. Ph. “A Composition by Clements non Papa in a 16th-Century Painting.” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):173.

Bibliography. “Bibliography, 1953–1954.” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):177.

Announcements. “Announcements.” Musica Disciplina 8 (1954):189.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “[Editorial:] Ten Years of the American Institute of Musicology, 1945–1955.” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):3.

MEYER-BEAR, Kathi. “Saints of Music.” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):11.

DITTMER, Luther A. “The Ligatures of the Montpelier Manuscript.” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):35.

PIRROTA, Nino. “Marchetutts de Padua and the Italian Ars Nova.” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):57.

REANEY, Gilbert. “The Manuscript Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canonici Misc. 213.” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):73.

STEVENS, Denis. “Processional Psalms in Faburden.” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):105.

SEAY, Albert. “Ugolino of Orvieto, Theorist and Composer.” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):111.

FEDERHOFER; Helmut. “Graz Court Musicians and Their Contribution to the ‘Parnassus musicus Ferdinandaes’ (1615).” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):167.

Announcements. “Announcements.” Musica Disciplina 9 (1955):245.

REANEY, Gilbert, André GILLES, and Jean MAILLARD. “The ‘Arts Nova’ of Philippe de Vitry.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):5.

REANEY, Gilbert André GILLES, and Jean MAILLARD, eds. “Ars Nova Magistri Philippe de Vitriaco.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):13.

GILLES, André. “Un Témoignage inédit de l’enseignement de Philippe de Vitry.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):35.

REANEY, Gilbert. “A Postscript to ‘The Manuscript Chantilly, Musée Condé 1047.’ ” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):55.

PIRROTA, Nino. “Paolo da Firenze in un nuovo frammento dell’ Ars Nova.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):61.

MEIER, Bernhard. “The Musica Reservata of Adrianus Petit Coclico and its Relationship to Josquin.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):67.

MACCLINTOCK, Carol. “Some Notes on the Secular Music of Giaches de Wert.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):106.

CUTTS, John P. “Seventeenth-Century Lyrics. Oxford, Bodleian, Ms. Mus. b.l.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):142.

Bibliography. “Bibliography 1955.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):210.

Publications. “Available Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):232.

Announcements. “New Issues.” Musica Disciplina 10 (1956):236.

DITTMER, Luther A. “The Dating and the Notation of the Worcester Fragments.” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):5.

GILLES, André, Jean MAILLARD, and Gilbert REANEY, eds. “Philippe de Vitry, Ars Nova (Translation of Text).” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):12.

REANEY, Gilbert. “The Breviarium regulare musice of Ms. Oxford, Bodley 842.” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):31.

FISCHER, Kurt von. “The Manuscript Paris, Bibl. Nat. Nouv. Acq. Frc. 6771 (Codex Reina = PR).” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):38.

HOPPIN, Richard H. “The Cypriot-French Repertory of the Manuscript Torino, Bibliotheca Nazionale, J.II.9.” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):79.

SEAY, Albert. “The Declaration musicae disciplinae of Ugolino of Orchvieto: Addenda.” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):126.

WARREN, Edwin B. “Life and Works of Robert Fayrfax.” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):134.

GILL, Louis A. “The Anthems of Thomas Tomkins: An Introduction (with Transcriptions of 2 Anthems).” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):153.

Bibliography. “Bibliography [1956].” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):169.

Publications. “Available Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 11 (1957):198.

MACHABEY, A. “A Propos des Quadruples Pèrotiniens.” Musica Disciplina 12 (1958):3.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “The Fourteenth-Century Motet and Its Development.” Musica Disciplina 12 (1958):27.

GILLES, André and Gilbert REANEY. “A New Source for the Ars Nova of Philippe de Vitry.” Musica Disciplina 12 (1958):59.

REANEY, Gilbert. “The Manuscript, British Museum, Additional 29987 (Lo).” Musica Disciplina 12 (1958):67.

HOPPIN, Richard H. “An Unrecognized Polyphonic Lai of Machaut.” Musica Disciplina 12 (1958):93.

FINSCHER, Ludwig. “Loyset Compère and His Works [Parts I–III].” Musica Disciplina 12 (1958):105.

WARREN, Edwin B. “The Masses of Robert Fayfax.” Musica Disciplina 12 (1958):145.

Bibliography. “Bibliography 1957.” Musica Disciplina 12 (1958):177.

MAILLARD, Jean. “Le ‘Lai’ et la ‘Note’ du Chèvrefeuille.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):3.

BLUM, Fred. “Another Look at the Montpellier Organum Treatise.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):15.

REANEY, Gilbert. “The Poetic Form of Machaut’s Musical Works. Part I: The Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):25.

TROWELL, Brian. “Faburden and Fauxbourdon.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):43.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “The Codex Faenza, Biblioteca Comunale, 117 [Fa]. A Facsimile Edition [Part I].” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):79.

MACCLINTOCK, Carol. “Molinet, Music, and Medieval Rhetoric.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):109.

FINSCHER; Ludwig. “Loyset Compère and His Works, IV: The Masses and Mass Sections.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):123.

STEVENS, Denis. “The Manuscript Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Adv. Ms. 5.1.15.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):155.

CUTTS, John P. “Seventeenth-Century Songs and Lyrics in Edinburgh University Library, Music Ms. Dc.1.69.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):169.

Bibliography. “Bibliography 1958.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):195.

Announcements. “Available Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 13 (1959):203.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: On Oddments as Reviews (again), One Review in Particular, on Humans (in General), on Editing and Editions (both in General and Particular), on Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae, the American Institute of Musicology, etc. . . .” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):3.

HOPPIN, Richard H. “Notational Licenses of Guillaume de Machaut.” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):13.

REANEY, Gilbert. “A Postscript to Philippe de Vitry’s Ars Nova.” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):29.

REANEY, Gilbert. “The Manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Fonds Italien 568 (Pit).” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):33.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “The Codex Faenza, Biblioteca Comunale, 117 [Fa]. A Facsimile Edition [Part II].” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):65.

BERGSAGEL, John D. “An Introduction to Ludford (1485–c.1557).” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):105.

FINSCHER, Ludwig. “Loyset Compère and His Works, Part V: The Motetti Missales.” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):131.

HORSLEY, Imogene. “The Sixteenth-Century Variation and Baroque Counterpoint.” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):159.

LE HURAY, Peter. “Towards a Definitive Study of Pre-Restoration Anglican Service Music.” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):167.

SCHMIEDER. Wolfgang, comp. “Bibliography 1959.” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):197.

Announcements. “Available Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 14 (1960):205.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: Problems of Editing and Publishing Old Music.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):5.

REANEY, Gilbert. “Some Little-Known Sources of Medieval Polyphony in England.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):15.

GILLES, André. “L’Anonyme III de Coussemaker, Scriptores III.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):27.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “Datierbare Balladen des Späten 14. Jahrhunderts. Part I.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):39.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “The Codex Faenza, Biblioteca Comunale, 117 [Fa]. A Facsimile Edition [Part III].” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):63.

GOTTLWALD, Clytus. “Johannes Ghiselin-Janne Verbonnet: Some Traces of His Life.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):105.

WARREN, Edwin B. “Robert Fairfax: Motets and Settings of the Magnificat.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):113.

BAIRD, Margery Anthea. “Changes in the Literary Texts of the Late 15th and Early 16th Centuries, as Shown in the Works of the Chanson Composers of the Pays-Bas Méridionaux.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):145.

MILLER, Clement A. “The Dodecachordon: Its Origins and Influence on Renaissance Musical Thought.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):155.

KAUFMANN, Henry W. “The Motets of Nicola Vicentino.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):169.

BERNET KEMPERS, K. Ph. “Jacobus Clemens non Papa’s Chansons in Their Chronological Order.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):187.

ARNOLD, Denis. “Towards a Biography of Giovanni Gabrieli.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):199.

MACCLINTOCK, Carol. “Giustiniani’s Discorso Sopra la Musica.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):209.

SCHMIEDER. Wolfgang, comp. “Bibliography [1960].” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):227.

Announcements. “Available Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 15 (1961):245.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: What is ‘American Music’?” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):5.

HARRISON, Frank L. “Faburden in Practice.” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):11.

BERGSAGEL, John D. “On the Performance of Ludford’s Alternatim Masses.” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):35.

CUTTS, John P. “ ‘Songs Vnto the Violl and Lute’—Drexel Ms. 4175.” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):73.

FINSCHER, Ludwig. “Loyset Compère and His Works, Part VI: The Tenor Motets and Analogous Forms.” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):93.

YOUNG, William. “Keyboard Music to 1600. Part I.” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):115.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “Datierbare Balladen des späten 14. Jahrhunderts. Part II.” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):151.

HAAR, James. “Astral Music in Seventeenth-Century Nuremberg: the Tugendsterne of Harsdörfer und Staden.” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):175.

Announcements. “Available Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 16 (1962):191.

MACHABEY, A. “Notions scientifiques disseminèes dans les textes musicologiques du moyen age.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):7.

MAILLARD, Jean. “Lais & Chansons d’Ernoul de Gastinois.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):21.

WILKINS, Nigel. “The Codex Reina: A Revised Description (Paris, Bibl. Nat., 6771).” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):57.

FISCHER, Kurt von. “Reply to N.E. Wilkins’ Article on the Codex Reina.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):75.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “Die Musiker des Herzogs von Berry.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):79.

CROSS, Ronald. “The Life and Works of Matthaeus Pipelare.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):97.

D’ACCONE, Frank A. “Bernado Pisano: An Introduction to His Life and Works.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):115.

WHITE, John R. “The Tablature of Johannes of Lublin.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):137.

YOUNG, William. “Keyboard Music to 1600. Part II: French and Italian Sources.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):163.

SCHMIEDER. Wolfgang, comp. “Bibliography 1961–1962.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):195.

Publications. “Medieval and Renaissance Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 17 (1963):227.

SYNAN, Edward A. “An Augustinian Testimony to Polyphonic Music?” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):3.

REANEY, Gilbert. “The Question of Authorship in the Medieval Treatises on Music.” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):7.

SMITH, F. Joseph. “Ars Nova—A Re-definition? (Observations in the Light of Speculum Musicae I by Jacques de Liège.) Part I.” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):19.

MIXTER, Keith. “Johannes Brassart: A Biographical and Bibliographical Study. I (Biography).” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):37.

SLIM, H. Colin. “Francesco da Milano (1497–1543/44)—A Bio-Bibliographical Study. I (Biography).” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):63.

BERNET KEMPERS, K. Ph. “Bibliography of the Sacred works of Jacobus Clemens non Papa. A Classified List with a Notice on His Life.” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):85.

CUTTS, John P. “Drexel Manuscript 4041. ‘…Earl Ferrers’ Ms.—A Treasure House of Early Seventeenth-Century Song and Dramatic Lyric.” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):151.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography 1963.” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):203.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “A Note About the Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):219.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 18 (1964):223.

SANDERS, Ernest H. “Cantilena and Discant in Fourteenth-Century England.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):7.

REANEY, Gilbert. “New Sources of Ars Nova Music.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):53.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “Eine Ballade auf Mathieu de Foix.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):69.

SMITH, F. Joseph. “Ars-Nova—A Re-definition? II.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):83.

MIXTER, Keith. “Johannes Brassart: A Biographical and Bibliographical Study. Part II: The Music.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):99.

SLIM, H. Colin. “Francesco da Milano (1497–1543/44)—A Bio-Bibliographical Study. Part II: Bibliography.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):109.

CALDWELL, John. “Keyboard Plainsong Settings in England 1500–1660.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):129.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography 1964.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):155.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 19 (1965):177.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: [20 years A.I.M.].” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):7.

FLINDELL, Edwin Frederick. “JOH[ann]is Cottonis.” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):11.

FISCHER, Kurt von. “Ein Versuch zur Chronologie von Landinis Werken.” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):31.

KEMP, Walter H. “A Chanson for Two Voices by Cesaris, Mon seul voleur.” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):47.

PEASE, Edward. “A Report on Codex Q16 of the Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale (Formerly of the Conservatorio Statale di Musica ‘G.B. Martini’), Bologna.” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):57.

HAAR, James. “Pace non trovo: A Study in Literary and Musical Parody.” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):95.

D’ACCONE, Frank A. “The Intavalotura di M. Alamanno Aiolli.” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):151.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography 1965.” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):175.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 20 (1966):193.

MAILLARD, Jean. “Charles D’Anjou, Roi-Trauvère du XIIIème siècle.” Musica Disciplina 21 (1967):7.

HARRISON, Frank. “Ars Nova in England: A New Source.” Musica Disciplina 21 (1967):67.

REANEY, Gilbert. “Towards a Chronology of Machaut’s Musical Works.” Musica Disciplina 21 (1967):87.

HUGHES, Andrew and Margaret BENT. “The Old Hall Manuscript—A Re-appraisal and an Inventory.” Musica Disciplina 21 (1967):97.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography 1966.” Musica Disciplina 21 (1967):149.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 21 (1967):167.

HARBINSON, Denis. “Consonance and Dissonance in the Old Corpus of the Montpellier Motet Manuscript.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):5.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “Zwei Balladen auf Betrand und Olivier du Guesclin.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):15.

HAMM, Charles. “A Catalogue of Anonymous English Music in Fifteenth-Century Continental Manuscripts.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):47.

NOBLITT, Thomas L. “The Ambrosian Motetti Missales Repertory.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):77.

MILLER, Clement A. “Gaffurius’s Practica Musica: Oigin and Cntents.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):105.

JEFFERY, Brian. “Antony Holborne.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):129.

CLARK, J. Bunker. “Adrian Batten and John Barnard: Colleagues and Collaborators.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):207.

PEASE, Edward. “A Re-examination of the Caccia Found in Bologna, Civico Museo, Codex Q16.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):231.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography 1967.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):235.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 22 (1968):255.

FINDELLI, E.F. “Joh[ann]is Cottonis: Corrigenda et Addenda.” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):7.

GALLO, Alberto F. “Tra Giovanni di Garlandia e Filippo da Vitry.” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):13.

HUGHES, Andrew. “Ugolino: The Monochord and Musica Ficta.” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):21.

SOUTHERN, Eillen. “El Escorial, Monastery Library, Ms. IV a. 24.” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):41.

FULLER, Sarah. “Additional Notes on the 15th-Century Chansonnier Bologna Q16.” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):81.

DIXON, Helen M. “The Manuscript Vienna National Library, 1783.” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):105.

CUTTS, John. “Seventeenth-Century Songs and Lyrics in Paris Conservatoire Ms. Rès. 2489.” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):117.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography (1967–1968).” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):141.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 23 (1969):159.

HASSELMAN, Margaret and Thomas WALKER. “More Hidden Polyphony in a Machaut Manuscript.” Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):7.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “Das Manuscript Modena, Biblioteca Estense α. M. 5,24 (olim Lat. 568 = Mod).” Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):17.

SEAY, Albert. “Gugliemo Roffredi’s Summa Musica artis.Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):69.

MILLER, Clement A. “Sebald Heyden’s De Arte Canendi: Background and Contents.” Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):79.

HAAR, James. “The Libraria of Antonfrancesco Doni.” Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):101.

HUDSON, Richard. “The Zarabanda and Zarabanda Francese in Italian Guitar Music of the Early 17th Century.” Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):125.

RAYNER, Clare G. and Sheila FINCH. “Christopher Gibbons: ‘That Famous Musitian.’ ” Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):151.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography 1968–1969.” Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):173.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 24 (1970):159.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: Some Remarks on Current Performance of Early Music.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):5.

CARAPETYAN, Armen. “Editorial: A Note to the List of AIM Publications.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):13.

BOWER, Calvin M. “Natural and Artificial Music: The Origins and Development of an Aesthetic Concept.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):17.

ANDERSON, Gordon A. “Notre Dame Latin Double Motets ca. 1215–1250.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):35.

BOOS, Elizabeth L. “Alleluia cum Psallite” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):93.

HARBINSON, Denis. “The Hocket Motets in the Old Corpus of the Montpellier Motet Manuscript.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):99.

JOSEPHSON, Nors S. “Rodericus, Angelum psalat.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):113.

CUNINGHAM, Caroline M. “Estienne du Tertre and the Mid-Sixteenth Century Parisian Chanson.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):127.

BONHÔTE, Jean-Marc. “Resonance musicale d’une villa de Palladio.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):171.

BRAY, Roger. “The Part-Books Oxford, Christ Church, Mss. 979–983: An Index and Commentary.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):179.

HUDSON, Richard. “The Folia Dance and the Folia Formula in the 17th Century Guitar Music.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):199.

KELLER, Peter. “New Light on the Tugendsterne of Harsdörffer and Staden.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):223.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 25 (1971):229.

BROCKETT, C. W. “Unpublished Antiphons and Antiphon Series Found in the Gradual of St. Yrieix.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):5.

DALGISH, William E. “The Use of Variation in Early Polyphony.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):37.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “Zitate in französischen Liedsätzen der Ars Nova und Ars Subtilior.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):53.

MEYLAND, Raymond. “Réparation de la Roue de Cordier.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):69.

BENT, Margaret. “Musica Recte and Musica Ficta.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):73.

HAMM, Charles And Ann Besser SCOTT. “A Study and Inventory of the Manuscript Modena Biblioteca Estense, α.X.1.11 (Mod B).” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):101.

SCOTT, Ann B. “English Music in Modena, Biblioteca Estense, α.X.1.11 and Other Italian Manuscripts.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):145.

WARD, Tom R. “The Polyphonic Office Hymn and the Liturgy of Fifteenth-Century Italy.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):161.

BENHAM, Hugh. “The Formal Design and Construction of Taverner’s Works.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):189.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):211.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 26 (1972):235.

GALLO, Alberto F. “Astronomy and Music in the Middle Ages: The ‘Liber introductorius’ by Michael Scot.” Musica Disciplina 27 (1973):5.

ANDERSON, Gordon A. “Motets of the Thirteenth Century Manuscript La Clayette [Part I].” Musica Disciplina 27 (1973):11.

APEL, Willi. “The Development of French Secular Music During the Fourteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 27 (1973):41.

FISCHER, Kurt von. “ ‘Porträts’ von Piero, Giovanni da Firenze und Jacopo da Bologna in einer Bologneser Handschrift des 14. Jahrhunderts?” Musica Disciplina 27 (1973):61.

D’ACCONE, Frank A. “Matteo Rampolini and his Petrarchan Canzoni Cycles.” Musica Disciplina 27 (1973):65.

HARRÁN, Don. “The Theorist Giovanni del Lago: a New View of the Man and his Writings.” Musica Disciplina 27 (1973):107.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography.” Musica Disciplina 27 (1973):153.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 27 (1973):175.

ANDERSON, Gordon A. “Motets of the Thirteenth-Century Manuscript La Clayette [Part II].” Musica Disciplina 28 (1974):5.

WILKINS, Nigel. “Music in the Fourteenth-Century Miracles de nostre Dame.” Musica Disciplina 28 (1974):39.

JOSEPHSON, Nors S. “Agnus Dei I from Robert de Févin, Missa La sol mi fa mi re.” Musica Disciplina 28 (1974):77.

NOBLITT, Thomas L. “Manuscript mus 1/D/506 of the Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden (Olim Annaberg, Bibliothek der St. Annenkirche, MS 1126).” Musica Disciplina 28 (1974):81.

LINDLEY, Mark. “Early 16th-Century Keyboard Temperaments.” Musica Disciplina 28 (1974):129.

BROTHERS, Lester D. “Avery Burton and his Hexachord Mass.” Musica Disciplina 28 (1974):153.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography.” Musica Disciplina 28 (1974):177.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 28 (1974):193.

BOE, John. “Rhythmical Notation in the Beneventan Gloria Trope ‘Aureas Arces.’ ” Musica Disciplina 29 (1975):5.

SWEENY, Cecily. “John Wylde and the Musica Guidonis.” Musica Disciplina 29 (1975):43.

MANIATES, Maria Rika. “Combinative Chansons in the Escorial Chansonnier.” Musica Disciplina 29 (1975):61.

WARD, Tom R. “The Structure of the Manuscript Trent 92–I.” Musica Disciplina 29 (1975):127.

JOSEPHSON, Nors S. “Some Remarks on the Music of Nicolas Champion.” Musica Disciplina 29 (1975):149.

MIXTER, Keith, comp. “Bibliography.” Musica Disciplina 29 (1975):165.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 29 (1975):179.

CARAPETYAN. Armen. “Editorial.” Musica Disciplina 30 (1976):7.

BROCKETT, C.W. Jr. “Saeculorum Amen and Differentia: Practical Versus Theoretical Tradition.” Musica Disciplina 30 (1976):13.

SANDON, Nicholas. “Fragments of Medieval Polyphony at Canterbury Cathedral.” Musica Disciplina 30 (1976):37.

BURSTYN, Shai. “Power’s Anima mea and Binchois’ De plus en plus: A Study in Musical Relationship.” Musica Disciplina 30 (1976):55.

DUGGAN, Mary Kay. “Queen Joanna and her Musicians.” Musica Disciplina 30 (1976):73.

KEMP, Walter H. “The Manuscript Escorial V.III” Musica Disciplina 30 (1976):97.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 30 (1976):131.

FULLER, Sarah. “An Anonymous Treatise dictus de Sancto Martiale.” Musica Disciplina 31 (1977):5.

TISCHLER, Hans. “Latin Texts in the Early Motet Collections: Relationships and Perspectives.” Musica Disciplina 31 (1977):31.

ATLAS, Allan W. “On the Provenance of the Manuscript Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, 431 (G20).” Musica Disciplina 31 (1977):45.

GARDEN, Greer. “Francois Roussel: A Northern Musician in Sixteenth-Century Rome.” Musica Disciplina 31 (1977):107.

LUOMA, Robert G. “Relationship between Music and Poetry (Cipriano de Rore’s Quando signor lasciaste).” Musica Disciplina 31 (1977):135.

KURTZMAN, Jeffry. “Giovanni Francesco Capello, an Avant-Gardist of the Early Seventeenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 31 (1977):155.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 31 (1977):183.

BARCLAY, Barbara. “Organa Letitie.” Musica Disciplina 32 (1978):5.

ANDERSON, Gordon A. “The Notation of the Bamberg and El Huelgas Manuscripts.” Musica Disciplina 32 (1978):19.

WINN, Mary Beth. “Le Cueur la suyt. Chanson on a Text for Marguerite d’Austriche. Another Trace in the Life of Johannes Ghiselin-Verbonnet.” Musica Disciplina 32 (1978):69.

BUTLER, Gregory G. “Music and Memory in Johannes Rombergch’s Congestorium (1520).” Musica Disciplina 32 (1978):73.

PRIZER, William F. “Marchetto Cara at Mantua. New Documents on the Life and Duties of a Renaissance Court Musician” Musica Disciplina 32 (1978):87.

BROTHERS, Lester D. “New Light on an Early Tudor Mass. Avery Burton’s Missa ut re mi fa sol
Musica Disciplina 32 (1978):111.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 32 (1978):127.

FULLER, Sarah. “The Myth of ‘Saint Martial.’ Polyphony. A Study of Sources.” Musica Disciplina 33 (1979):5.

REANEY, Gilbert. “Transposition and ‘Key’ Signatures in Late Medieval Music.” Musica Disciplina 33 (1979):27.

WINN, Mary Beth. “Some Texts for the Chansons of Loyset Compère.” Musica Disciplina 33 (1979):43.

BERNSTEIN, Jane A. “Philip Van Wilder and the Netherlandish Chanson in England.” Musica Disciplina 33 (1979):55.

D’ACCONE, Frank A. “The Florentine Frau Mauros. A Dynasty of Musical Friars.” Musica Disciplina 33 (1979):77.

KREIDER, J. Evan. “The Keyboard Parody Canzonas by Giovanni Cavaccio in Sudor Musicali (Venice 1626).” Musica Disciplina 33 (1979):139.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 33 (1979):149.

BROCKETT Clyde W. “The Role of the Office Antiphon in the Tenth-Century Liturgical Drama.” Musica Disciplina 34 (1980):5.

SMITH, Norman E. “From Clausula to Motet: Material for Further Studies in the Origin an Early History of the Motet.” Musica Disciplina 34 (1980):29.

YUDKIN, Jeremy. “The Copula According to Johannes de Garlandia.” Musica Disciplina 34 (1980):67.

COUCHMAN, Jonathan Paul. “The Lorraine Chansonnier: Antonie de Lorraine and the Court of Lois XII.” Musica Disciplina 34 (1980):85.

CUNNINGHAM, Caroline M. “Ensemble Dances in Early Sixteenth-Century Italy: Relationships with Villotte and Franco-Flemish Danceries.” Musica Disciplina 34 (1980):159.

CHAN, Mary. “The Witch of Endor and Seventeenth-Century Propaganda.” Musica Disciplina 34 (1980):205.

CALDWELL; John. “Keyboard Plainsong Settings in England, 1500–1660. Addenda et Corrigenda.” Musica Disciplina 34 (1980):215.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 34 (1980):221.

BROWNE, Alma Colk. “The a–p System of Letter Notation.” Musica Disciplina 35 (1981):5.

COLDWELL, Maria V. “Guillaume de Dole and Medieval Romances with Musical Interpolations.” Musica Disciplina 35 (1981):55.

BERGER, Carol. “The Hand and the Art of Memory.” Musica Disciplina 35 (1981):87.

BLACKBURN, Bonnie J. “Two ‘Carnival Songs.’ Unmasked: A Commentary on MS Florence Magl. XIX.121.” Musica Disciplina 35 (1981):121.

ETZION, Judith. “The Spanish Polyphonic Ballad in 16th-Century Vihuela Publications.” Musica Disciplina 35 (1981):179.

REYNOLDS, Robert D. “Tres Douchement by Grossin.” Musica Disciplina 35 (1981):199.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 35 (1981):203.

BOE, John. “Gloria A and the Roman Easter Vigil Ordinary.” Musica Disciplina 36 (1982):5.

GOMEZ, Ma Carmen. “El Manuscrito 823 de Montserrat (Biblioteca del Monasterio).” Musica Disciplina 36 (1982):39.

KOEHLER, Laurie. “Subtilitas in Musica: A Reexamination of Johannes Olivier’s ‘Si Con Cy
Gist.’ ” Musica Disciplina 36 (1982):96.

SCHROEDER, Eunice. “The Stroke Comes Full Circle: [Stroke-]O and [Stroke-]C in Writings on Musica, ca. 1450–1540.” Musica Disciplina 36 (1982):119.

BONGE, Dale. “Gaffurius on Pulse and Tempo: A Reinterpretation.” Musica Disciplina 36 (1982):167.

CRAWFORD, David. “A Chant Manual in Sixteenth-Century Italy.” Musica Disciplina 36 (1982):175.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 36 (1982):191.

REANEY, Gilbert and Frank A. D’ACCONE. “Editorial.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):7.

LOWINSKY, Edward E. “Homage to Armen Carapetyan.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):9.

HUGHES, Andrew. “Modal Order and Disorder in the Rhymed Office.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):29.

BENT, Margaret. “The Machaut Manuscripts Vg., B and E.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):53.

PIRROTTA, Nino. “Rhapsodic Elements in North-Italian Polyphony of the 14th Century.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):83.

REANEY, Gilbert. “The Anonymous Treatise De origine et effectu musicae, an Early 15th Century Commonplace Book of Music Theory.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):101.

D’ACCONE, Frank A. “A Late 15th-Century Sienese Sacred Repertory: MS K.I.2 of Biblioteca Comunale, Siena.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):121.

MAYER BROWN, Howard. “A ‘New’ Chansonnier of the Early Sixteenth Century in the University of Uppsala: A Preliminary Report.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):171.

HARRÁN, Don. “Stories from the Hebrew Bible in Music of the Renaissance.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):235.

SLIM, H, Collin. “Music In and Out of Egypt: A Little-Studied Iconographical Tradition.” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):289.

PALISCA, Claude V. “A Discourse on the Performance of Tragedy by Giovanni De’ Bardi(?)” Musica Disciplina 37 (1983):327.

ALTENBURG, Detlef. “Die Musik in der Fronleichnamsprozession des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts.” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):5.

MAYER BROWN, Howard. “St. Augustin, Lady Music and the Gittern in Fourteenth-Century Italy.” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):25.

GÓMEZ, Ma Carmen. “Musique et Musiciens dans les Chapelles de la Maison Royale d’Aragon (1336–1413).” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):67.

GÜNTHER, Ursula. “Unusual Phenomena in the Transmission of Late Fourteenth-Century Polyphonic Music.” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):87.

HUCKE; Helmut. “Das Dekret ‘Docte Sanctorum Patrum’ Papst Johannes’ XXII.” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):119.

MCKINNON, James. “The Late Medieval Psalter: Liturgical or Gift Book?” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):133.

REANY, Gilbert. “The Social Implications of Polyphonic Mass Music in Fourteenth-Century England.” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):159.

SOUNDERS, Suparmi E. “The Liturgies of Trent and Brixen in the Fifteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):173.

STINSON, John A. “An English Choirbook Fragment in the National Library of Australia.” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):195.

STROHM, Reinhard. “Native and Foreign Polyphony in Late Medieval Austria.” Musica Disciplina 38 (1984):205.

GÓMEZ, Ma Carmen. “Une Version a Cinq Voix du Motet ‘Apollinis Eclipsatur/Zodiacum Signis’ dans le Manuscript E-BCEN 853.” Musica Disciplina 39 (1985):5.

REYNOLDS, Robert D. “ ‘Toute Biaulte et Toute Honneur,’ A Neglected Chanson of the Fifteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 39 (1985):45.

RISTORY, Heinz. “Notationstechnische Modifikationen von Vokalvorlagen im Codex Vind. 5094 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Wien).” Musica Disciplina 39 (1985):53.

PALMER, Jill. “A Late Fifteenth-Century Anonymous Mensuration Treatise: (Ssp) Salzburg, Erzabtei St. Peter, a VI 44, 1490; cod. pap.” Musica Disciplina 39 (1985):87.

DEFORD, Ruth I. “Musical Relationships between the Italian Madrigal and Light Genres in the Sixteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 39 (1985):107.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 39 (1985):169.

VAN DEUSEN, Nancy. “The Use and Significance of the Sequence.” Musica Disciplina 40 (1986):5.

BERNHARD, Michael. “Textkritisches zu Aurelianus Reomensis.” Musica Disciplina 40 (1986):49.

GÖLLNER, Maria Luise. “The Transmission of French Motets in German and Italian Manuscripts of the 14th Century.” Musica Disciplina 40 (1986):63.

JOSEPHSON, Nors S. “Intersectional Relationships in the French Grande Ballade.” Musica Disciplina 40 (1986):79.

DEAN, Jeffrey J. “The Occasion of Compère’s Sola Caret Monstris: A Case Study in Historical Interpretation.” Musica Disciplina 40 (1986):99.

CHARTERIS, Richard. “New Sources of the Works of Giovanni Gabrieli.” Musica Disciplina 40 (1986):135.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 40 (1986):177.

STROHM, Reinhard. “Vom internationalen Stil zur Ars Nova? Probleme einer Analogie.” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):5.

REANY, Gilbert. “The ‘International’ Style and the Oxford Manuscript, Bodleian Library, Canonici Misc. 213.” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):15.

NEWES, Virginia. “Chace, Caccia, Fuga: The Convergence of French and Italian Traditions.” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):27.

LERCH, Irmgard. “Messkompositionen mit kanonischen Stimmen—eine internationale Erscheinung?” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):59.

MAYER BROWN, Howard. “A Ballade for Mathieu de Foix: Style and Structure in a Composition by Trebor.” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):75.

GÓMEZ, Ma Carmen. “La Musique á la Maison Royale de Navarre à la fin du Moyen-Âge et le Chantre Johan Robert.” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):109.

PERZ, Mirosław. “Il Carattere internationale delle opere die Mikołaj Radomski.” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):153.

VON FISCHER, Kurt. “Bemerkungen zur Überlieferung und zum Stil der geistlichen Werke des Antonius Dictus Zacharias de Teramo.” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):161.

BENT, Margaret. “A Contemporary Perception of Early Fifteenth-Century Style: Bologna Q15 as a Document of Scribal Editorial Initiative.” Musica Disciplina 41 (1987):183.

REANEY, Gilbert and Frank A. D’ACCONE, “Editorial.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):5.

KARTSOVNIK, Viatcheslav. “Institutiones Grammaticae and Mensura Monochordi: A New Source of Guido of Arezzo’s Micrologues.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):7.

SEEBASS, Tilman. “Lady Music and Her Proteg’s: From Musical Allegory to Musicians’ Portraits.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):23.

REYNOLDS, Robert D. “A Gloria-Credo by Gilles Binchois.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):63.

TOMASELLO, Andrew. “Scribal Design in the Compilation of Ivrea Ms. 115.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):73.

HUDSON, Barton. “On the Texting of Obrecht’s Masses.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):101.

HAAR, James. “The Capriccio of Giachet Berchem: A Study in Modal Organization.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):129.

BRADSHAW, Murray C. “The Influence of Vocal Music on the Venetian Toccata.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):157.

GISSEL, Siegfried. “Abweichungen von den Normen eines Modus als Mittel der Wortausdeutungen—Ein Beitrag zur musikalischen Hermeneutik um 1600.” Musica Disciplina 42 (1988):199.

SWEENEY, Cecily. “The Regulae Organi Guidonis Abbatis and 12th Century Organum/Discant Treatises.” Musica Disciplina 43 (1989):7.

GILLES, André. “De Musica Plana Breve Compendium (Un témoignage de l’enseignement de Lambertus).” Musica Disciplina 43 (1989):33.

HUOT, Sylvia. “Voices and Instruments in Medieval French Secular Music: On the Use of Literary Texts as Evidence for Performance Practice.” Musica Disciplina 43 (1989):63.

SLAVIN, Dennis. “Genre, Final and Range: Unique Sorting Procedures in a Fifteenth-Century Chansonnier.” Musica Disciplina 43 (1989):115.

PRIZER, William F. “Music at the Court of the Sforza: The Birth and Death of a Musical Center.” Musica Disciplina 43 (1989):141.

CHARTERIS, Richard and Gertraut HABERKAMP, “Regensburg, Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, Butsch 205–210: A Little-Known Source of the Music of Giovanni Gabrieli and His Contemporaries.” Musica Disciplina 43 (1989):195.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 43 (1989):217.

GRIER, James. “Some Codicological Observations on the Aquitanian Versaria.” Musica Disciplina 44 (1990):5.

CILIBERTI, Galliano. “Diffusione e Trasmissione del Credo Nelle Fonti Mensurali del Tardomedioevo (Nuove Evidenze in Italia Centrale).” Musica Disciplina 44 (1990):57.

BUSSE-BERGER, Anna Maria. “Musical Proportions and Arithmetic in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance.” Musica Disciplina 44 (1990):89.

PERKINS, Leeman L. “Ockeghem’s Prenez sur moi: Reflections on Canons, Catholica, and Somization.” Musica Disciplina 44 (1990):119.

GOLDBERG, Clemens. “Text, Music, and Liturgy in Johannes Ockeghem’s Masses.” Musica Disciplina 44 (1990):185.

MIXTER, Keith E. “A Newly Discovered Medieval Polyphonic Sequence.” Musica Disciplina 44 (1990):233.

TOWNE, Gary. “A Systematic Formulation of Sixteenth-Century Text Underlay Rules (Part I of II).” Musica Disciplina 44 (1990):255.

GISSEL, Siegfried. “Die modi phrygius, hypophrygius und phrygius connexus.” Musica Disciplina 45 (1991):5.

NEWES, Virginia. “Turning Fortune’s Wheel: Musical and Textual Design in Machaut’s Canonic Lais.” Musica Disciplina 45 (1991):95.

EARP, Lawrence. “Genre in the Fourteenth-Century French Chanson: The Virelai and the Dance Song.” Musica Disciplina 45 (1991):123.

TOWNE, Gary. “A Systematic Formulation of Sixteenth-Century Text Underlay Rules (Part II) .” Musica Disciplina 45 (1991):143.

FREEMAN, Daniel E. “On the Origins of the Pater noster—Ave Maria of Josquin Des Prez.” Musica Disciplina 45 (1991):169.

NOSOW, Robert. “The Equal-Discantus Motet Style after Ciconia.” Musica Disciplina 45 (1991):221.

LERCH, Irmgard. “Zur Messung der Notenwerte in den jüngeren Fauvel-Motetten.” Musica Disciplina 45 (1991):277.

LEVERETT, Adelyn Peck. “The Anonymous Missa Regina caeli laetare.Musica Disciplina 46 (1992):5.

GERBER, Rebecca L. “An Assessment of Johannes Wiser’s Scribal Activities.” Musica Disciplina 46 (1992):51.

TANAY, Dorit. “The Transition from the Ars Antiqua to the Ars Nova: Evolution or Revolution?” Musica Disciplina 46 (1992):79.

LINDMAYR-BRANDL Andrea. “Gaspar van Weerbeke and the Motet ‘Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia.’ ” Musica Disciplina 46 (1992):105.

KREITNER, Kenneth. “The City Trumpeter of Late Fifteenth Century Barcelona.” Musica Disciplina 46 (1992):133.

GETZ, Christine. “The Milanese Cathedral Choir under Hermann Matthias Werrecore.” Musica Disciplina 46 (1992):169.

CZAGÀNY, Zsuzsa. “Anonymi Leutsoviensis Tractatus de Musica.” Musica Disciplina 46 (1992):223.

SWEENEY, Cecily. “Unlocking the Mystery of the Regulae de Arte Musica.” Musica Disciplina 46 (1992):243.

GISSEL, Siegfried. “Die Tonarten der ‘Lagrime die San Pietro’ von Orlando di Lasso.” Musica Disciplina 47 (1993):5.

CHARTERIS, Richard. “An Early Seventeenth-Century Manuscript Discovery in Augsburg.” Musica Disciplina 47 (1993):35.

SULLIVAN, Blair. “Nota and Notula: Boethian Semantics and the Written Representation of Musical Sound in Carolingian Treatises.” Musica Disciplina 47 (1993):71.

SCHULENBERG, David L. “The Keyboard Works of William Byrd: Some Questions of Attribution, Chronology, and Style.” Musica Disciplina 47 (1993):99.

BROBECK; John T. “Some ‘Liturgical Motets’ for the French Royal Court: A Reconsideration of Genre in the Sixteenth-Century Motet.” Musica Disciplina 47 (1993):123.

MALCOM, Joan. “Epistola Johannis Cottonis ad fulgentium episcopum.” Musica Disciplina 47 (1993):159.

BRADSHAW, Murray C. “Text and Tonality in Early Sacred Monody (1599–1603).” Musica Disciplina 47 (1993):171.

RISTORY, Heinz. “Skizzen zum Entwicklungsgang der Organum-Theorie.” Musica Disciplina 47 (1993):227.

PIRROTTA, Nino. “On Landini and Ser Lorenzo.” Musica Disciplina 48 (1994):5.

GISSEL, Sigried. “Die Tonarten vor und nach 1600 und ihre Akzeptanz in der gegenwärtigen Musikgeschichte.” Musica Disciplina 48 (1994):15.

SHEPTOVITSKY, Levi. “The Cracow Lute Tablature from the Second Half of the 16th Century: Discussion and Catalogue.” Musica Disciplina 48 (1994):69.

VAN DEUSEN, Nancy. “Sequence Repertoires: A Reappraisal.” Musica Disciplina 48 (1994):99.

HOEKSTRA, Gerald R. “The Reception and Cultivation of the Italian Madrigal in Antwerp and the Low Countries, 1555–1620.” Musica Disciplina 48 (1994):125.

KARTOVNIK, Viatcheslav. “Zur Tropen- und Sequenzenüberlieferung im mittelalterlichen Pistoia: Ein Neumenfragment aus Sankt Petersburg.” Musica Disciplina 48 (1994):189.

ALLAIRE, Gaston. “A Sample of Hexachordal Modal Analysis for Vocal and Instrumental Polyphony of the Renaissance.” Musica Disciplina 48 (1994):259.

CARSANIGA, Giovanni. “An Additional Look at London Additional 29987.” Musica Disciplina 48 (1994):283.

D’ACCONE, Frank A. and Gilbert REANEY. “Editors’ Preface.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):7.

D’ACCONE, Frank A. “Remembering Nino Pirrotta’s Early Years in America.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):9.

BLACKBURN, Bonnie J. “Petrucci’s Venetian Editor: Petrus Castellanus and his Musical Garden.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):15.

D’AGOTINO, Gianluca. “ ‘Più glie delectano canzone veneciane che francese’: Echi di poesia italiana alla corte napoletana di Alfonso il Magnanimo.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):47.

ALM, Irene. “Humanism and Theatrical Dance in Early Opera.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):79.

TOMASELLO, Andrew. “A Footnote on Aragonese Mass Manuscripts and The Decline of the Great Court Theory of Music History.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):95.

GOZZI, Marco. “La cosiddetta Longanotation: nuove prospettive sulla notazione italiana del Trecento.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):121.

FORNEY, Kristine. “ ‘Nymphes gays en abry du Laurier’: Music Instruction for the Bourgeois Woman.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):151.

GLIXON, Jonathan. “Late Medieval Chant for a Venetian Confraternity: Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, MS Lat. II, 119 (2426).” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):189.

BESUTTI, Paola. “Da L’Arianna a La Ferinda: Giovan Battista Andreini e la ‘comedia musicale all‘improviso.’ ” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):227.

Contributors. “Contributors to this Volume.” Musica Disciplina 49 (1995):277.

D’ACCONE, Frank A. and Gilbert REANEY. “Editors” Preface.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):7.

PRIZER, William F. “Secular Music at Milan during the Early Cinquecento: Florence, Biblioteca del Conservatorio, MS Basevi 2441.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):9.

STONE, Anne. “Glimpses of the Unwritten Tradition in Some Ars Subtilior Works.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):59.

CAMPAGNOLO, Stefano. “Il Libro Primo de la Serena e il madrigale a Roma.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):95.

SPARTI, Barbara. “Would You Like to Dance This Frottola? Choreographic Concordances in Two Early Sixteenth-Century Tuscan Sources.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):135.

FACCHIN, Francesco. “L’Udito e la voce nella figurazione padovana tra Tre e Quattrocento-Alcune osservazioni.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):167.

CUMMINGS, Anthony M. “The Company of the Cazzuola and the Early Madrigal.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):203.

MORELLI, Arnaldo. “The Role of the Organ in Performance Practices of Italian Sacred Polyphony during the Cinquecento.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):239.

REARDON, Colleen. “Veni sponsa Christi: Investiture, Profession and Consecration Ceremonies in Sienese Convents.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):271.

Contributors. “Contributors to this Volume.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):299.

Publications. “Publications of the American Institute of Musicology.” Musica Disciplina 50 (1996):301.

SLIM, H. Colin. “On Parnassus with Maarten van Heemskerck: Instrumentaria and Musical Repertoires in Three Paintings in the U.S.A. Part I.” Musica Disciplina 51 (1997):5.

GISSEL, Siegfried. “Glareans Tonarten Lydius und Hypolydius und ihre Berücksichtigung durch die Theoretiker/Komponisten bis etwa 1650.” Musica Disciplina 51 (1997):73.

BROCKETT, Clyde W. “Ambiguities in the Designation of Antiphons for the Tenth-Century Quem Quaeritis.” Musica Disciplina 51 (1997):103.

CILIBERTI, Galliano. “ ‘La bella stella’: Il sogno, l’immaginario, il meraviglioso nella musica italiana del trecento.” Musica Disciplina 51 (1997):127.

CHARTERIS, Richard. “Further Manuscript Discoveries in the Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg.” Musica Disciplina 51 (1997):179.

HARRÁN, Don. “How to ‘Lay’ the ‘Lay’: New Thoughts on Text Underlay.” Musica Disciplina 51 (1997):231.

HAINES, John. “The Transformations of the Manuscrit du Roi.” Musica Disciplina 52 (1998–2002):5.

REANEY, Gilbert. “New Additions to Hothby’s Counterpoint Treatises and Theory.” Musica Disciplina 52 (1998–2002):45.

GISSEL, Siegfried. “Die Tonarten Ionicus Connexus in der Motettensammlung ’Opus Melicum’ von Friedrich Weißensee.” Musica Disciplina 52 (1998–2002):57.

JOSEPHSON, Nors S. “Interrelationship Between the London Street Cry Settings.” Musica Disciplina 52 (1998–2002):139.

SLIM, H. Colin. “On Panassus with Maarten van Heemskerck: Instrumentaria and Musical Repertoires in Three Paintings in the U.S.A. Part II.” Musica Disciplina 52 (1998–2002):181.

BRADSHAW, Murray C. “Salvation, Right Thinking, and Cavalieri’s Rappresentatione di anima, et di corpo (1600).” Musica Disciplina 52 (1998–2002):233.

CHARTERIS, Richard. “Music by Giovanni Gabrieli and his Contemporaries: Rediscovered Sources in the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg.” Musica Disciplina 52 (1998–2002):251.

RANZINI, Paul L., "Editorial Note" Musica Disciplina 53 (2003–2008):4.

D'ACCONE, Frank, "In Memoriam Gilbert Reaney,"Musica Disciplina 53 (2003–2008):5.

JACKSON, Roland. “Guillaume de Machaut and Dissonance in Fourteenth Century French Music,” Musica Disciplina 53 (2003–2008):7.

VAN DEUSEN, Nancy, “In and Out of a Latin Forest: The Timaeus Latinus, Its Concept of Silva, and Music as a Discipline in the Middle Ages.” Musica Disciplina 53 (2003–2008):51.

JOSEPHSON, Nors S. “Many Roads Lead to Rome: Multifarious Stylistic Tendencies and Their Musical Interrelationships within the Ars Subtilior.Musica Disciplina 53 (2003–2008):71.

HUCK, Oliver, “The Music of the Angels in Fourteenth- and Early Fifteenth-Century Music.” Musica Disciplina 53 (2003–2008):99.

CILIBERTI, Galliano. “Protest Music a Perugia nel XVI secolo: Gli scritti musicali di Raffaello Sozi (1529–89).” Musica Disciplina 53 (2003–2008):121.

LERCH, Irmgard. “Mensuralnotation zwischen Ars Antiqua und Ars Nova.” Musica Disciplina 54 (2009):5–38.

CILIBERTI, Galliano, “Protest Music a Perugia nel XVI secolo: Gli scritti musicali di Raffaello Sozi (1529–89).” Musica Disciplina 54 (2003–2008):121–42.

CUTHBERT, Michael Scott. “Tipping the Iceberg: Missing Italian Polyphony from the Age of Schism.” Musica Disciplina 54 (2009):39–74.

PHELPS, Michael. “Du Fay’s Hymn Cycle and Papal Liturgy during the Pontificate of Eugene IV.” Musica Disciplina 54 (2009):75–118.

ROSSI, Franco Rocco. “Non solo Josquin: Patronage ed interessi musicali di Ascanio Maria Sforza.” Musica Disciplina 54 (2009):119–46.

PAVANELLO, Agnese. “Il Ciclo di Mottetti ‘In Honorem Sancti Spiritus’ di Gaspar van Weerbeke: Un’Ipotesi sulla Origine.” Musica Disciplina 54 (2009):147–82.

HARNE, George A. “The Ends of Theory and Practice in the Speculum Musicae.” Musica Disciplina 55 (2010):5–31.

HASCHER-BURGER, Ulrike, "Notation, Devotion und Emotion in spätmittelalterlichen Andachtsbüchern aus dem Kloster Medingen" Musica Disciplina 55 (2010):33–73.

MORUCCI, Valerio. “Francesco Lupino: A Mid-16th-Century Composer from the Marche.” Musica Disciplina 55 (2010):75–128.

FRANDSEN, Mary E. “Salve Regina / Salve Rex Christe: Lutheran Engagement with the Marian Antiphons in the Age of Orthodoxy and Piety.” Musica Disciplina 55 (2010):129–18.

CRISCUOLA DE LAIX, Esther. “ ‘Venus’s Cupid Commands me to Sing’: Jacob Praetorius’s Wedding Motets for Hamburg, 1600–1635.” Musica Disciplina 55 (2010):219–90.

TAMMEN, Björn R., “Himmlische Hierarchie und irdisches Instrumentarium: zu den neun Chören der Engel am Mindener Altar und verwandten Retabeln der Zeit um 1425/30.” Musica Disciplina 56 (2011):5.

HAM, Martin, "A Sense of Proportion: The Performance of Sesquialtera ca. 1515–ca. 1565.” Musica Disciplina 56 (2011):79.

CUMMINGS, Anthony M. “Music for Medici Festivals: Some Additional Works Recovered.” Musica Disciplina 56 (2011):275.

EDWARDS, Rebecca. “Becoming Magnificent: Giovanni Gabrieli from his Annus Horribilis to his Death in 1612.” Musica Disciplina 56 (2011):335.

JOHNSON, Nicholas. “Carolus Luython’s Missa super Basim: Caesar Vive and Hermetic Astrology in Early Seventeenth-Century Prague.” Musica Disciplina 56 (2011):419.

ZIMEI, Francesco. “New Light on the So-Called Laudario di Sant’Agnese.” Musica Disciplina 56 (2011):463.

GAMPEL, Alan. “Papyrological Evidence of Musical Notation from the 6th to the 8th Centuries.” Musica Disciplina 57 (2012):5.

NARDINI, Luisa. “ ‘God is Witness’: Dictation and the Copying of Chants in Medieval Monasteries.” Musica Disciplina 57 (2012):51.

DESMOND, Karen. “Texts in Play: The Ars Nova and Its Hypertexts.” Musica Disciplina 57 (2012):81.

D’ALVARENGA. João Pedro. “A Neglected Anonymous Requiem Mass of the Early Sixteenth Century and Its Possible Context.” Musica Disciplina 57 (2012):155.

BEVILACQUA, Gregorio. “Conductus or Motet? A New Source and a Question of Genre.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):9.

DUHAMEL, Pascale. “The Gothic Architecture of John of Garland’s De mensurabili musica.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):29.

EVERIST, Mark. “Master and Disciple: Teaching the Composition of Polyphony in the Thirteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):51.

GRAU, Anna Kathryn. “Hearing Voices: Heteroglossia, Homoglossia, and the Old French Motet.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):73.

GUHL-MILLER, Solomon. “Three Hypothetical Phases of Notre Dame Organum Performance Practice.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):101.

HAMILTON, Elina G. “Walter of Evesham and De speculatione musicae: Authority of Music Theory in Medieval England.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):153.

MASCHKE, Eva M. “Porta Salutis Ave: Manuscript Culture, Material Culture, and Music.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):167.

PLANCHART, Alejandro Enrique. “Proportion and Symbolism in Some Ars Antiqua Motets.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):231.

RILLON-MARNE, Anne-Zoé. “Notre Dame Conductus and the Renewal of Speech at the Turn of the 12th and 13th Centuries: The Sonorous Framing of the Congregation.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):265.

SABAINO, Daniele. “The Repertoire of Parisian Conductus as a Case-Study in the Tonal Organization of Gothic Polyphony.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):287.

SAINT-CRICQ, Gaël. “Transmitting a Compositional Process: Two Thirteenth-Century Motets.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):327.

SALTZSTEIN, Jennifer. “Ovid and the Thirteenth-Century Motet: Quotation, Reinterpretation, and Vernacular Hermeneutics.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):351.

WILLAIMSON, Amy. “English Polyphonic Music around 1300: Genre and Repertory in Cambridge, Corpus Christi Ms 8.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):373.

WOLINSKI, Mary E. “Hocketing and the Imperfect Modes in Relation to Poetic Expression in the Thirteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):393.

General Bibliography. Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):413.

BOSI, Carlo. “ ‘Gentils Gallans de France: The Vicissitudes of a French War Song Between Brittany and Rome.” Musica Disciplina 59 (2014):7.

MANN, Joseph Arthur. “ ‘Both Schollers and Practicioners’: The Pedagogy of Ethical Scholarship and Music in Thomas Morley’s Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke.” Musica Disciplina 59 (2014):53.

SABAINO, Daniele and Marco MANGANI. “Tonal Space Organization in
Josquin’s Late Motets.” Musica Disciplina 59 (2014):93.

SMITH, Anne. “Jesuit Imagery, Rhetoric, and Victoria’s ‘Senex puerum
portabat.” Musica Disciplina 59 (2014):127.

ROBINSON, Alexander. “The Manuscript Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys 1760: A Mirror of the Court of Louis XII (1498–1515).” Musica Disciplina 60 (2015):7.

AN EARLY THEORY COMPENDIUM in Australia: Louise Hanson-Dyer Manuscript 244

I. STOESSEL, Jason. “The Making of Louise Hanson-Dyer Manuscript 244.” Musica Disciplina 60 (2015):67 .

II. HERLINGER, Jan. “LHD 244: An Early Layer and What It Tells Us.” Musica Disciplina 60 (2015):93.

III. COOK, Karen and Carol WILLIAMS. “New Light on Frater Nicolaus de Aversa: His Plainchant Treatise in LHD 244.” Musica Disciplina 60 (2015):115.

IV. CUMMINS, Linda Page. “The Reception of the Compendium Musicale of Nicolaus de Capua: Paris to Melbourne.” Musica Disciplina 60 (2015):149.

V. COLLINS, Denis. “Instructions for Keyboard Accompaniment in Music Manuscript LHD 244 of the University of Melbourne.” Musica Disciplina 60 (2015):173.

VI. STOESSEL, Jason, Jan HERLINGER and Linda Page CUMMINS. “Melbourne, University of Melbourne Library, Special Collections, Rare Music, MS LHD 244: Inventory.” Musica Disciplina 60 (2015):201.

VII. “Melbourne, University of Melbourne Library, Special Collections, Rare Music, MS LHD 244: Complete Reproduction.” Musica Disciplina 60 (2015):211.

RANZINI, Paul L. “ ‘Editorial: The Present and A Little AIM History.” Musica Disciplina 61 (2018):7.

KOLB, Paul. “ ‘Structure and Context in Fifteenth-Century Bilingual Motets.” Musica Disciplina 61 (2018):17.

CUMMINGS, Anthony M., John T. GOSSICK, and Christopher A. ULYETT. “ ‘The Genus Frottola, the Species Frottola, and the Barzelletta.” Musica Disciplina 61 (2018):65.

DRAKE, Warren. “ ‘A Fifteenth-Century Polyphonic Hymn Cycle: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Fons du Conservatoire MS Rés 862.” Musica Disciplina 61 (2018):109.





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