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Understanding copyright transfer
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When you publish with AIM, you reap the benefit of a professional publishing house committed to the scholarly enterprise. With our publishing expertise we ensure the widespread distribution of your article throughout the world and to the broadest audience.
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When can I post my article?
Author Original Version. There are no restrictions on posting an original version of your article or book chapter, except to note that posting a paper online may, in some cases, constitute prior publication, and that may in some circumstances disqualify your work for inclusion in AIM publications. Further, doing so may damage the integrity of our blind peer review process.
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Version of Record. We encourage you to advertise your completed work by publishing abstracts and links to a professional email account so that you can be consulted and can be aware of who is using your work. Articles posted to a closed archive or institutional repository, however, may not be made publicly available until the embargo period has been observed. |