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Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:

MS 40-1 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. I: Text
MS 40-2 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. II: Tabular Surveys
MS 40-3a Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part A
MS 40-3b Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part B

Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets, 1: Text


Sample Pages

MS 40 Hans Tischler, The Style and Evolution of The Earliest Motets (to Circa 1270).

Volume I: Text.

     [vi]+234 pp.  25 cm

MS 40-1  978-0-93190-230-7  $88.00

The Style and Evolution of The Earliest Motets (to Circa 1270). Volume I: Text. By Hans Tischler.

  Chapter 1. Backgrounds  1
      a. Previous Studies
      b. The Period and Its Music 5
  Chapter 2. The Early Motet as viewed by its Contemporaries  14
  Chapter 3. The Creation of the Motet  21
      a. The Contributions of Leonin and Perotin  21
      b. The Creation of 3- and 4-Part Composition  28
      c. Tenor Patterns and St. Victor Clausulae  30
  Chapter 4. The Modes and the Transcription of Premensural Motets  35
      a. The Theory of the Modes and Their Emergence  35
      b. The Transcription of Premensural Motets  44
  Chapter 5. The Upper Parts of Motets  58
      a. Aspects of Style  58
      b. The Types of Motets  64
      c. The Melody Classes in Two-Part Motets  67
      d. Melodic Classification of Conductus Motets  83
      e. Classification of Double and Triple Motets  91
  Chapter 6. The Tenor  115
      a. Melodic Considerations  115
      b. Rhythm and Pattern  118
  Chapter 7. The Interrelationship of the Parts  149
      a. Equality of Length  149
      b. Rhythmic Relationships  154
      c. Phrase Relations between Tenor and Upper Parts  155
      d. Relative Ranges and Voice Interchange  158
  Chapter 8. Harmony and Ornamentation  161
      a. Consonance and Dissonance  161
      b. Cadences  172
      c. Ornaments 175
      d. Modality  180
  Chapter 9. The Texts  184
      a. The Latin Texts  184
      b. The French Texts  195
  Chapter 10. Performance Practice  207
  Chapter 11. Summary  215
  Index of Names  221
  Index of Terms and Works  226
  Motets cited:
       1. Early Motets  232
       2. From Later Manuscripts Vol. II
  Text Illustrations. Vol. II
  Quotations from Poems  Vol. II

MS 40-1 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. I: Text
MS 40-2 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. II: Tabular Surveys
MS 40-3a Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part A
MS 40-3b Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part B

Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets, 2: Tabular Surveys


Sample Pages

MS 40 Hans Tischler, The Style and Evolution of The Earliest Motets (to Circa 1270).

Volume II: Tabular Surveys.

     [vi]+202 pp.   25 cm

MS 40-2  978-0-93190-231-4  $88.00

The Style and Evolution of The Earliest Motets (to Circa 1270). Volume II: Tabular Surveys. By Hans Tischler.

  Section A. Types, Versions, and Distribution of the Early Motets 1
      1. The Types of Motets  1
      2. Clausula Versions of Motets  15
      3. Versions of Early Motets in Later Manuscripts  18
      4. Geographic and Chronological Distribution of the Early Motets  25
  Section B. The Tenor Sources  39
      1. Tenors in the Order and Numbering of LURE  39
   a. Mass Pieces  40
   b. Office Pieces  57
   c. Unidentified Tenors  61
   d. Pieces Without Tenor  62
      2. Tenors in Alphabetical Order with Their Patterns  63
  Section C. The Latin Texts  68
      1. Alphabetical List  68
      2. Names and Dates Connected with Latin Motets  73
      3. Special Features in Latin Motets 74
      4. Relationships to the Tenors  75
      5. Text Contents  76
      6. The Poetic Formulation  77
      7. Large Editions of Latin Motet Texts  78
  Section D. The French Texts  79
      1. Alphabetical List  79
      2. Names and Dates Connected with French Motets  90
      3. Reference to Places, Saints, and Others  92
      4. Musical and Poetic Terms Mentioned in French Motets  92
  5. Relationship to the Tenors  94
  6. Text Contents  94
  7. The Poetic Formulation  96
  8. Large Editions of French Motet Texts  98
  Section E. Concordance between the Numbers of Motet Texts in LURE and TiTMEd  99
  Section F. List of Refrains  104
  Section G. The Manuscripts  133
      1. The Order of Manuscripts Established in the Catalogue  133
   a. Manuscripts Whose Entire Motet Contents Are Included in the Catalogue  134
   b. Theoretical Treatises  154
   c. Manuscripts Whose Motet Contents Are Only Partially Adduced  159
   d. Other Manuscripts Cited  163
      2. Alphabetical List of Manuscripts and Manuscript Sigla  164
      1. Sigla of Periodicals and Serial Editions  174
      2. Articles, Books, Editions  176

MS 40-1 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. I: Text
MS 40-2 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. II: Tabular Surveys
MS 40-3a Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part A
MS 40-3b Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part B

Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets, 3a: Catalogue Raisonné, A


Sample Pages

MS 40 Hans Tischler, The Style and Evolution of The Earliest Motets (to Circa 1270).

Volume III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part A.

     [iv]+[284] pp.  25 cm

MS 40-3.1  978-0-93190-232-1  $77.00

The Style and Evolution of The Earliest Motets (to Circa 1270). Volume III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part A. By Hans Tischler.

  Abbreviations and Symbols
  Catalogue Nos. 1-165

MS 40-1 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. I: Text
MS 40-2 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. II: Tabular Surveys
MS 40-3a Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part A
MS 40-3b Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part B

Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets, 3b: Catalogue Raisonné, B


Sample Pages

MS 40 Hans Tischler, The Style and Evolution of The Earliest Motets (to Circa 1270).

Volume III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part B.

     [ii]+[378] pp.  25 cm

MS 40-3.2  978-0-93190-239-0  $77.00

The Style and Evolution of The Earliest Motets (to Circa 1270). Volume III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part B. By Hans Tischler. Nos. 166-428. By Hans Tischler.

  Abbreviations and Symbols
  Catalogue Nos. 166-428

MS 40-1 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. I: Text
MS 40-2 Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. II: Tabular Surveys
MS 40-3a Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part A
MS 40-3b Tischler, Style and Evolution of the Earliest Motets. Vol. III: Catalogue Raisonné, Part B



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