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JUAN CABANILLES AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES, Keyboard Music from the Felanitx Manuscripts

Contents and Sample Pages (PDF) |
CEKM 48–1 JUAN CABANILLES AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES, Keyboard Music from the Felanitx Manuscripts.
Vol. I. [Versets, tones 1–2, nos. 1–162].
Edited by Nelson Lee.
1st. ed.
xxxii + 188 pp.
Bound copy temporarily out of stock.
Unbound 8.5x11(A4) offprint available.
CEKM 48 is a five-volume edition of the principal sections of two organ manuscripts which presumably originated in Valencia circa 1695, but eventually made their way to Mallorca. Most of the contents are by the well-known composer Juan Cabanilles, yet approximately half of the edition consists of previously unpublished music. Volume 3 contains mostly large works; all of these are previously published, but in some cases from other sources or in inaccurate editions. The other four volumes comprise mostly shorter liturgical versets, grouped by church modes. Cabanilles devoted great care and imagination to the composition of such versets, although they have been relatively neglected by modern editors; this edition thus fills an important gap in our knowledge of the foremost organ composer of the Iberian baroque.
Foreword VIII
Introduction IX
Editorial Policy XVII
Critical Report XXII
1–11. Primero Juego de Versos de primero tono. Para Visperas 1
12–39. Primero Juego de Versos de primero tono. Para Missas 19
Versos para Salve (22–26) 28
Versos para Gaudes (30–35) 33
Versos de primero tono. Sobre el Canto llano (36–39) 37
40. Gallardas de primero tono de todo gusto 41
41. Tocata de primero tono 50
42–83. Primero Juego de Versos de primero tono. De Canto llano. Para Salmos (a 3) 53
Sobre el Ave Maristela (61–62) 74
Sobre el Seculorum (77) 92
Sobre el Ave Maristela (78–80) 94
84–118. Primero Juego de Versos de segundo tono por Elami. Para Visperas 101
Versos de Canto llano (94–97) 120
Versos para Missas (98–112) 123
Versos de segundo tono. Por Gesolreut (113–118) 133
119–162. Primero Juego de Versos de segundo tono. De Canto llano. Para Psalmos (a 3) 137
Versos de segundo tono. Por Gesolreut (140–144) 161

Contents and Sample Pages (PDF) |
CEKM 48–2 JUAN CABANILLES AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES, Keyboard Music from the Felanitx Manuscripts.
Vol. II. Versets 163–286.
Edited by Nelson Lee.
1st. ed.
31 cm
xlii + 163 pp.
CEKM 48–2
CEKM 48 is a five-volume edition of the principal sections of two organ manuscripts which presumably originated in Valencia circa 1695, but eventually made their way to Mallorca. Most of the contents are by the well-known composer Juan Cabanilles, yet approximately half of the edition consists of previously unpublished music. Volume 3 contains mostly large works; all of these are previously published, but in some cases from other sources or in inaccurate editions. The other four volumes comprise mostly shorter liturgical versets, grouped by church modes. Cabanilles devoted great care and imagination to the composition of such versets, although they have been relatively neglected by modern editors; this edition thus fills an important gap in our knowledge of the foremost organ composer of the Iberian baroque.
Foreword xi
Introduction xiii
Editorial Methods xxvi
Critical Report xxxi
Appendix Volume 1 Updates
Errata for Volume 1 xli
Alternate Sources for Volume 1 xli
163–190. Primero Juego de Versos de Psalmudia de tercero tono.
Para Salmos. Con sus Mediaciones. 3
Versos de tercero tono. Sobre el Canto llano. (172–175) 19
Versos para Missas. Tercero tono. (176–190) 23
191–229. Primero Juego de Versos de Psalmudia de tercero tono. De Canto llano. (3vv) 35
230–255. Primero Juego de Versos de Psalmudia de cuarto tono.
Para Salmos con sus Mediaciones. 89
Versos de cuarto tono. Sobre el Canto llano (239–242) 107
Versos de cuarto tono. Para Misas (243–255) 110
256–286. Primero Juego de Versos de cuarto tono de Psalmudia. Para Psalmos. (3vv) 123

Contents and Sample Pages (PDF) |
CEKM 48–3 JUAN CABANILLES AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES, Keyboard Music from the Felanitx Manuscripts.
Edited by Nelson Lee.
1st. ed.
30 cm
l+246 pp.
CEKM 48–3
CEKM 48 is a five-volume edition of the principal sections of two organ manuscripts which presumably originated in Valencia circa 1695, but eventually made their way to Mallorca. Most of the contents are by the well-known composer Juan Cabanilles, yet approximately half of the edition consists of previously unpublished music. Volume 3 contains mostly large works; all of these are previously published, but in some cases from other sources or in inaccurate editions. The other four volumes comprise mostly shorter liturgical versets, grouped by church modes. Cabanilles devoted great care and imagination to the composition of such versets, although they have been relatively neglected by modern editors; this edition thus fills an important gap in our knowledge of the foremost organ composer of the Iberian baroque.
Foreword xi
Introduction xiii
Editorial Methods xxviii
Critical Report xxxiii
Appendix Volume 1 and Volume 2 Updates
Errata for Volume 1 xlvii
Errata for Volume 2 xlviii
Alternate Sources for Volume 1 xlviii
287. Tiento de primero tono. Lleno. Cabanillas 3
288. Tiento de segundo tono. Por Gesolreut. De dos tiples y dos baxos. Cabanillas 12
289. Tiento, o tocata de tercero tono. [Froberger] 32
290. Tiento de cuarto tono de dos tiples y dos baxos. Cabanillas 41
291. Tiento de quinto tono. Lleno. Sobre Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La. Cabanillas 54
292. Tiento de sexto tono lleno. Sin passo. Cabanillas 74
293. Tiento de septimo tono. Trasportado por Delasolre. Cabanillas 87
294. Verso de septimo tono. Cabanillas 101
295. Tiento de octavo tono. Partido de mano ysquierda. Cabanillas 102
296. Tiento de octavo tono. Punto alto. De Falsas. De Cabanillas 122
297. Verso de octavo tono. Cabanillas 127
298. Tiento de primero tono. Partido de mano drecha. Cabanillas 128
299, Tiento de segundo tono. Por Gesolreut. Partido de mano drecha. Cabanillas 141
300. Tiento de tercero tono. Partido de mano isquierda. Cabanillas 157
301. Tiento de cuarto tono. Partido de mano isquierda. Cabanillas 176
302. Tiento de quinto tono. Partido de mano drecha. Cabanillas 190
303. Tiento de sexto tono. De Batalla y Clarines. Cabanillas 206
304. Tiento de septimo tono. Por Cesolfaut. Sobre el Himno de los Apostoles. Cabanillas 222
305. Tiento de octavo tono de Clarines. Cabanillas 237
CEKM 48–4 through CEKM 48–5 Not yet published.