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Musica Disciplina

Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae

Corpus of Early Keyboard Music (CEKM)

Renaissance Manuscript Studies

Musicological Studies and Documents

Corpus scriptorum de musica


Published Series IMM

Publications of Medieval Musical Manuscripts

Musical Theorists in Translation

Collected Works

Musicological Studies



Miscellanea (MISC)

MISC 1  CLAUDE LE JEUNE (ca. 1530-1600), Airs (1608). Edited by D. P. Walker in 4 volumes.

MISC 1-1  Vol. I, Premier Livre, Part I.

MISC 1-2  Vol. II, Premier Livre, Part II.

MISC 1-3  Vols. III & IV (bound together): Second Livre.

MISC 2  Joseph Smits van Waesberghe, A Textbook of Melody: A Course in Functional Melodic Analysis. 

MISC 3  JEAN PHILIPPE RAMEAU (1683-1764), Complete Theoretical Writings. Edited by Erwin R. Jacobi in 6 volumes.

MISC 3-1  Vol. I, Traité de l'harmonie reduite 'a ses principes naturels.

MISC 3-2  Vol. II, Nouveau système de musique théorique (1726).

MISC 3-3  Vol. III, a) Génération harmonique . . . (1737);
b) Démonstration du principe de l'harmonie . . . (1750); and
c) Observations sur notre instinct pour la musique (1754).

MISC 3-4  Vol.IV a) Code de musique pratique . . . (1760);
b) Lettre 'a M. d'Alembert; and
c) Origine des sciences.

MISC 3-5  Vol.V Minor Works.

MISC 3-6  Vol.VI Last Writings (1762-64); Miscellaneous Items (1723-62).

MISC 4  John P. Cutta, Roger Smith, His Booke: Bishop Smith's Part-Song Books in Carlisle Cathedral Library.

MISC 5  Early Sacred Monody. Edited by Murray C. Bradshaw.

MISC 5-1  Vol. I, GIOVANNI LUCA CONFORTI, Salmi Passagiati (1601-1603).

MISC 5-2  Vol. II, I GABRIELE FATTORINI, Sacri concerti a due voci (1600).

MISC 5-3  Vol. III, EMILIO DE' CAVALIERI, The Lamentations and Responsories of 1599 and 1600 (Biblioteca Vallicelliana MS 0 31).

MISC 5-4  Vol. IV, EMILIO DE' CAVALIERI, Rappresentatione de anima, et di corpo (1600).

MISC 6  GIOVANNI LUCA CONFORTI, Breve et facile maniera d'essercitarsi a far passaggi (Rome, 1593). Edited by M. Bradshaw.

MISC 7  Quomodo cantabimus canticum? Studies in Honor of Edward H. Roesner. Edited by David Butler Cannata, Gabriela Ilnitchi Currie, Rena Charnin Mueller, and John Louis Nádas.

MISC 8  Medieval Music in Practice. Studies in Honor of Richard Crocker. Edited by Judith A. Peraino.

MISC 9  Qui musicam in se habet: Studies in Honor of Alejandro Enrique Planchart. Edited by Anna Zayaruznaya, Bonnie J. Blackburn, & Stanley Boorman

MISC 10  Music of the Josquin Era, 1460-1560: Studies in Honor of Joshua Rifkin. Edited by Mitchell P. Brauner, David Fallows, & Jesse Rodin.



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