Miscellanea (MISC)
MISC 1 CLAUDE LE JEUNE (ca. 1530-1600), Airs (1608). Edited by D. P. Walker in 4 volumes.
MISC 1-1 Vol. I, Premier Livre, Part I.
MISC 1-2 Vol. II, Premier Livre, Part II.
MISC 1-3 Vols. III & IV (bound together): Second Livre.
MISC 2 Joseph Smits van Waesberghe, A Textbook of Melody: A Course in Functional Melodic Analysis.
MISC 3 JEAN PHILIPPE RAMEAU (1683-1764), Complete Theoretical Writings. Edited by Erwin R. Jacobi in 6 volumes.
MISC 3-1 Vol. I, Traité de l'harmonie reduite 'a ses principes naturels.
MISC 3-2 Vol. II, Nouveau système de musique théorique (1726).
MISC 3-3 Vol. III, a) Génération harmonique . . . (1737);
b) Démonstration du principe de l'harmonie . . . (1750); and
c) Observations sur notre instinct pour la musique (1754).
MISC 3-4 Vol.IV a) Code de musique pratique . . . (1760);
b) Lettre 'a M. d'Alembert; and
c) Origine des sciences.
MISC 3-5 Vol.V Minor Works.
MISC 3-6 Vol.VI Last Writings (1762-64); Miscellaneous Items (1723-62).
MISC 4 John P. Cutta, Roger Smith, His Booke: Bishop Smith's Part-Song Books in Carlisle Cathedral Library.
MISC 5 Early Sacred Monody. Edited by Murray C. Bradshaw.
MISC 5-1 Vol. I, GIOVANNI LUCA CONFORTI, Salmi Passagiati (1601-1603).
MISC 5-2 Vol. II, I GABRIELE FATTORINI, Sacri concerti a due voci (1600).
MISC 5-3 Vol. III, EMILIO DE' CAVALIERI, The Lamentations and Responsories of 1599 and 1600 (Biblioteca Vallicelliana MS 0 31).
MISC 5-4 Vol. IV, EMILIO DE' CAVALIERI, Rappresentatione de anima, et di corpo (1600).
MISC 6 GIOVANNI LUCA CONFORTI, Breve et facile maniera d'essercitarsi a far passaggi (Rome, 1593). Edited by M. Bradshaw.
MISC 7 Quomodo cantabimus canticum? Studies in Honor of Edward H. Roesner. Edited by David Butler Cannata, Gabriela Ilnitchi Currie, Rena Charnin Mueller, and John Louis Nádas.
MISC 8 Medieval Music in Practice. Studies in Honor of Richard Crocker. Edited by Judith A. Peraino.
MISC 9 Qui musicam in se habet: Studies in Honor of Alejandro Enrique Planchart. Edited by Anna Zayaruznaya, Bonnie J. Blackburn, & Stanley Boorman
MISC 10 Music of the Josquin Era, 1460-1560: Studies in Honor of Joshua Rifkin. Edited by Mitchell P. Brauner, David Fallows, & Jesse Rodin.