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Composers in CMM
Anthologies and Anonymous works
in CMM |
Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae (CMM)
Paul L. Ranzini, General Editor
The volumes in this series present a nearly complete collection of polyphonic music from the 14th to the early 17th centuries. Editions of the collected works of trecento composers, French and Italian masters, and Flemish composers form the nucleus of the series, and these works are complemented by volumes of compositions by Spanish masters, partly monophonic repertories from the 13th and 14th centuries, and complete editions from selected important codices. The list of names of composers in this series includes nearly all of the significant composers of the era, composers such as Machaut, La Rue, de Wert, Dufay, Willaert, Clemens, Brumel, Gombert, Rore, G. Gabrieli, Compère, Agricola, Arcadelt, Corteccia, Merulo, Sermisy, Manchicourt, Crecquillon, Isaac, Marenzio, Richafort, Rossi, and Romero. (See below for a complete list of composers.)
All files are continually updated with current availability information. If a book is listed as “Call for availability” it is scheduled to be reprinted, but no definite date is yet known. Unbound offprints of bound volumes that are currently out of stock are now available for most items. Please send a note if there is a particular volume that you would like to see in print soon.
Browse by Volume Number:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Browse by Composer or Anthology:
Anthologies and
Anonymous Works
Composers in CMM:
Agricola, Alexander, CMM 22
Albertis, Gaspar de, CMM 105
Arcadelt, Jacobus, CMM 31
Attaingnant, Pierre, CMM 20
Barbireau, Jacobus, CMM 7
Bassano, Giovanni, CMM 101
Brassart, Johannes, CMM 35
Brumel, Antoine, CMM 5
Canis, Cornelius, CMM 111
Carver, Robert, CMM 16
Cellavenia, Francesco, CMM 80
Champion, Nicolas, CMM 60
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, CMM 4
Compère, Loyset, CMM 15
Coprario, John, CMM 92
Corteccia, Francesco, CMM 32
Crecquillon, Thomas, CMM 63
Decapella, and Symon, P. CMM 82
de Silva, Andreas, CMM 49
Dufay, Guillaume, CMM 1
Erart, Jehan, 13th-Century Trouvére of Arras, CMM 67
Fayrfax, Robert, CMM 17
Ferrabosco the Elder, Alfonso, CMM 96
Ferrabosco, Domenico Maria, CMM 102
Festa, Costanzo, CMM 25
Forestier, Mathurini, CMM 104
Frye, Walter, CMM 19
Gabrieli, Giovanni, CMM 12
Gafurius, Franchinus, CMM 10
Genet (Carpentras), Elzéar, CMM 58
Ghersem, Gért de, CMM
Johannes, CMM 23
Ghizeghem, Hayne van,
CMM 74
Giovanelli, Pietro,
CMM 64
Gombert, Nicolas, CMM
Grandi, Alessandro, CMM 112
Hale, Adam de la, CMM
Hele, George de la,
CMM 56
Heredia, Sebastiáni
Aguilera de, CMM 71
Hothby, John, CMM 33
Isaac, Heinrich, CMM 65
Janue, Antonius, CMM 70
La Rue, Pierre de, CMM 97
Layolle, Francesco, CMM 32
Le Gendre, Maille, Morpain, CMM 86
Le Petit, Ninot, CMM 87
Lescurel, Jehan de, CMM 30
Lhéritier, Jean, CMM 48
Ludford, Nicolas, CMM 27
Lupi, Johannes, CMM 84
Luython, Carolus, CMM 113
Machaut, Guillaume de, CMM 2
Manchicourt, Pierre de, CMM 55
Mantua, Jachet de, CMM 54
Marenzio, Luca, CMM 72
Meigret and Samin, Wulfran CMM 91
Merulo, Claudio, CMM 51
Mouton, Jean, CMM 43
Naich, Hubert, CMM 94
Pallavicino, Benedetto, CMM 89
Passereau, CMM 45
Phinot, Dominique, CMM 59
Piero, Maestro, CMM 8
Pipelare, Mathaeus, CMM 34
Pisano, Bernardo, CMM 32
Power, Lionel, CMM 50
Praetorius, Hieronymus, CMM 110
Prenner, Georg, CMM 99
Prioris, Johannes, CMM 90
Pullois, Jean, CMM 41
Rampollini, Matteo, CMM 32
Regis, Johannes, CMM 9
Regnart, Jacobus, CMM 62
Richafort, Johannes, CMM 81
Rogier, Philippe, CMM 61
Romero (Maestro Capitan), Mateo, CMM 109
Rore, Cipriano de, CMM 14
Rossi, Salamone, CMM 100
Roussel, François, CMM 83
Samin, Wulfran and Meigret, CMM 91
Sandrin, Pierre, CMM 47
Sermisy, Claudin de, CMM 52
Silva, Andreas de, CMM 49
Soignies, Gontier de, CMM 103
Symon, P. and Decapella, CMM 82
Tinctoris, Johannes, CMM 18
Vaqueras, Bertrandus, CMM 78
Verdelot, Philippe, CMM 28
Vicentino, Nicola, CMM 26
Weerbeke, Caspar van, CMM 106
Wert, Giaches de, CMM 24
Willaert, Adriano, CMM 3
Anthologies and Anonymous works in CMM:
14th-Century Mass Music in France, CMM 29
14th-Century Repertory from the Codex Reina, CMM 36
15th-Century Repertory from the Codex Reina, CMM 37
Anonymous Pieces in MS El Escorial V.III.24 (15th c.), CMM 77
Anonymous Pieces in the MS El Escorial IV. a. 24, CMM 88
Anthologies of Black-Note Madrigals, CMM 73
Canons in the Trent Codices, CMM 38
Cantus anonymorum de libris Petri Attaingnant, CMM 93
Compositions of the Bamberg Manuscript Bamberg, CMM 75
Cypriot-French Repertory (15th c.), CMM 21
Early Fifteenth-Century Music, CMM 11
Early Sixteenth-Century Sacred Music from the Papal Chapel, CMM 95
Elvas Songbook, CMM 98
French Secular Compositions of the Fourteenth Century, CMM 53
Gonzaga Masses in the Conservatory Library of Milan, CMM 108
Italian Laude and Latin unica in MS Cape Town (ca. 1500), CMM 76
Keyboard Music of the Late Middle Ages in Codex Faenza, CMM 57
Las Huelgas Manuscript (13th c.), CMM 79
Missa Tornacensis (The Tournai Mass), CMM 13
Motets of the Manuscript La Clayette, CMM 68
Motets of the Manuscripts Chantilly, CMM 39
Music of the Pepys Manuscript 1236, CMM 40
Music of Fourteenth-Century Italy, CMM 8
Musica Gallicana de saeculo sextodecimo, CMM 66
Old Hall Manuscript (15th c.), CMM 46
Six Anonymous L'Homme armé Masses in Naples, CMM 85
Trouvère Lyrics with Melodies, CMM 107
Unica in the Chansonnier Cordiforme, CMM 42