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Alessandro Grandi, Opera Omnia
Alessandro Grandi (ca. 1586–1630) is best known as the first composer to use a form of the word “cantata” to describe a set of musical compositions (for his Cantade et arie, ca. 1618) and as Monteverdi's vice-maestro di cappella at San Marco in Venice during the 1620s.
This new series of publications will be edited by an editorial team headed by Jeffrey Kurtzman, in collaboration with Dennis Collins, Robert Kendrick, Steven Saunders, and John Whenham.
Alessandro Grandi, Opera Omnia, edited by Jeffrey Kurtzman, with Dennis Collins, Robert Kendrick, Steven Saunders, and John Whenham.

Contents and sample pages (PDF) |
CMM 112, Vol. 1, Il primo libro de motetti a due, tre, quattro, cinque & otto voci, con una Messa à quattro (1610).
Edited by Dennis Collins and Steven Saunders.
1st. ed.
36 cm
lvi+137 pp.
CMM 112–1
Grandi's first published music, the Primo libro de motetti a due, tre, quattro, cinque, & otto voci, con una Messa à quattro (Venice, 1610), contains two fairly conventional compositions, a polychoral motet and a four-voice setting of the Ordinary of the Mass. The core of the collection, however, is a set of innovative few-voice motets in which Grandi introduces a variety of novel formal schemes and compositional techniques. He juxtaposes short motives in ways that suggest both dialogue techniques and the concerato interplay of voices common in the lighter secular genres. Several motets employ parlante subjects that recall the clipped diction of Monterverdi's Fourth and Fifth Books of Madrigals, and Grandi's quasi-canonic entries built over harmonic sequences evoke duet passages from the continuo madrigals that close Monteverdi's Fifth Book. In short, Grandi's Primo libro de motetti shows that he helped to forge the concertato style in the early years of the seventeenth-century.
CMM 112-01, no. 1 Hodie nobis de cælo 3
CMM 112-01, no. 2 Ad te de luce vigilantibus 6
CMM 112-01, no. 3 Quam dives es (transposed down a fifth) 8
CMM 112-01, no. 4 Exaudi Domine 11
CMM 112-01, no. 5 Audivit Dominus 13
CMM 112-01, no. 6 In semita judiciorum 15
CMM 112-01, no. 7 O quam tu pulchra es 17
CMM 112-01, no. 8 In te speravi Domine 21
CMM 112-01, no. 9 Quam dilecta tabernacula tua 24
CMM 112-01, no. 10 Sicut oculi servorum 28
CMM 112-01, no. 11 Deus Deus meus in te speravi 31
CMM 112-01, no. 12 Obaudite me 34
CMM 112-01, no. 13 Vidi spetiosam sicut columbam 40
CMM 112-01, no. 14 Congratulamini omnes in Domino 45
CMM 112-01, no. 15 Caro mea 51
CMM 112-01, no. 16 Cantabo Domino 57
CMM 112-01, no. 17 Hic est vere martyr 63
CMM 112-01, no. 18 Benedictus Dominus 68
CMM 112-01, no. 19 Missus est Angelus Gabriel 73
CMM 112-01, no. 20 Nativitas tua 83
CMM 112-01, no. 21a Kyrie, Messa a quattro voci 94
CMM 112-01, no. 21b Gloria, Messa a quattro voci 99
CMM 112-01, no. 21c Credo, Messa a quattro voci 106
CMM 112-01, no. 21d Sanctus, Messa a quattro voci 119
CMM 112-01, no. 21e Agnus Dei, Messa a quattro voci 123
CMM 112-01, no. AA Quam dives es (notated pitch) 129
CMM 112-01, no. AB1 Quae es ista (transposed down a fifth) 132
CMM 112-01, no. AB2 Quae es ista (notated pitch) 135

Contents and Sample Pages (PDF) |
CMM 112, Vol. 2, Il secondo libro de motetti a due, tre, e quattro voci con il basso continuo per sonar nell'organo (1613)
Edited by Steven Saunders and Anne Schnoebelen.
1st. ed.
36 cm
xlviii+91 pp.
CMM 112–2
Abbreviations ix
Acknowledgements x
Introduction xi
The Composer xi
Book Two and Its Context xxxvi
Performance Practice xliii
Sources xlvii
Editorial Methods li
Performance Notes lv
Critical Report (with texts and translations) lvii
Il secondo libro de motetti a due, tre, et quattro voci (1613)
1. O quam suave 3
2. Venite filii 6
3. Vocem jucunditatis 9
4. O salutaris hostia 13
4a. O salutaris hostia (transposed down a 5th) 16
5. O quam gloriosum 19
6. Lætentur cæli 23
7. Deus in nomine tuo 26
8. Non est inventus 30
9. O quam dulcis 32
10. O intemerata 34
11. Deus misereatur nostri 37
12. Deus misereatur nostri 42
13. Salvum fac populum tuum 47
14. Cantemus Domino 51
15. Salve radix sancta 57
16. O beata Virgo Maria 60
17. Date nomini 63
18. Heu mihi 69
19. O bone Jesu 76
20. Magnum hæreditatis 81
21. Inter vestibulum 86
Vol. 3. Not yet published.
Vol. 4. Not yet published.

Contents and sample pages (PDF) |
CMM 112, Vol. 5. Il quatro libro de motetti a due, tre, quattro, et sette voci (1616).
Edited by Dennis Collins and Robert Kendrick.
1st. ed.
36 cm
lvii + 71 pp.
CMM 112–5
Grandi's Fourth Book of motets (1616), mainly smaller-scale pieces, contains works that can be linked to his two "academic" employers in Ferrara, the confraternity-academies of the Spirito Santo and the Morti. Like Grandi's other prints, this book received multiple reprints, and some of its contents were copied as far away as north Germany and England. The present volume also contains major new biographical findings by Rodolfo Baroncini, and represents the first modern edition of most of the pieces.
CMM 112-05, no. 1. Hæc est arbor dignissima 3
CMM 112-05, no. 2. Salvum me fac Domine 7
CMM 112-05, no. 3. O quam gloriosa facta es 10
CMM 112-05, no. 4. Bone Jesu verbum Patris 13
CMM 112-05, no. 5. Surge propera amica mea 16
CMM 112-05, no. 6. O crux ave spes unica 21
CMM 112-05, no. 7. Hic est præcursor dilectus 24
CMM 112-05, no. 8. Exulta et lætare terra 26
CMM 112-05, no. 9. O sacrum convivium 29
CMM 112-05, no. 10. Gloria Patri qui creavit nos 32
CMM 112-05, no. 11. Hymnum cantemus 34
CMM 112-05, no. 12. Hæc est virgo sapiens 39
CMM 112-05, no. 13. Deus qui nos in tantis periculis 43
CMM 112-05, no. 14. Plorabo die ac nocte 48
CMM 112-05, no. 15. Ave regina cælorum 54
CMM 112-05, no. 16. Diligam te Domine 59
CMM 112-05, no. 17. Factum est silentium 66