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Gaspar van Weerbeke, Collected Works

The Gaspar van Weerbeke Edition makes accessible the complete music composed by or transmitted under the name of Gaspar van Weerbeke, and who worked for the chapel in Milan and other major institutions at the end of the fifteenth century. Weerbeke's name is especially connected with a peculiar Milanese motet style whose origin has been discussed for decades and has been challenged recently by new insights connected with research on his colleague Josquin Des Prez. This edition offers new material for comparisons with the music of others contemporary composers that will help answer questions of personal and local style and about the history of specific genres.

Helping to broaden our understanding of the development and the richness of these kinds of compositions, the edition offers a new overview on the print and manuscript transmission of Weerbeke's motets and provides the basis for further analytical studies and a new hypothesis about his music. Performers now have access to new music that is especially representative of the variety of motet styles available at the end of the fifteenth century.

GASPAR VAN WEERBEKE, Collected Works, edited by Gerhard Croll, Eric F. Fiedler, Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Agnese Pavanello, and Paul Kolb.

CMM 106-1 Cover

Contents and sample pages (PDF)

CMM 106, Vol. 1, Masses, Part 1.

Edited by Agnese Pavanello.

        1st. ed.     2016
    36 cm     xcviii+156 pp.

CMM 106–1   978-1-59551-515-5   $159.00

Gaspar van Weerbeke, born around 1450 in the Flemish city of Oudenaarde, was one of the most acclaimed composers of the Josquin generation. Active primarily in Milan and Rome, he is known today as one of the few composers—along wiht Josquin, Compère, and Gaffurius—of motet cycles. This volume is the first containing his mass cylces, which represent a major portion of Weerbeke's surviving commpositional activity, for the first time available in a critical edition. The repertory bears witness to stylistic changes and preferences in mass composition occuring in the last quarter of the fifteenth century.

General Preface  ix
Editorial Principles  ix
On This Volume  x
Acknowledgements  xi

List of Abbreviations  xii
Bibliographical References  xiii
Introduction   xxi
Table of Sources   xxxi
   Manuscripts  xxxi
   Print    xxxvii
Critical Commentary  xxxix
Plates  xcix


 1. Missa Ave regina celorum    3
 2. Missa O Venus bant    43
 3. Missa Princesse d’amourettes   82
 4. Missa Se mieulx ne vient   121


CMM 106-2 Cover

Contents and sample pages (PDF)

CMM 106, Vol. 2, Masses, Part 2.

Edited by Paul Kolb.

        1st. ed.     2018
    36 cm     xcix+170 pp.

CMM 106–2   978-1-59551-518-6   $159.00

Gaspar van Weerbeke, born around 1450 in the Flemish city of Oudenaarde, was one of the most acclaimed composers of the Josquin generation. Active primarily in Milan and Rome, he is known today as one of the few composers—along with Josquin, Compère, and Gaffurius—of motet cycles. With this volume, his substantial output of conventional mass cycles is for the first time completely available in an edition. The repertory includes freely composed masses and missae breves, bearing witness to new trends in mass composition occuring in the last quarter of the fifteenth century.

General Preface  ix
Editorial Principles  ix
On This Volume  x
Acknowledgements  xi

List of Abbreviations  xii
Bibliographical References  xiii
Introduction   xxi
Table of Sources   xxix
   Manuscripts  xxix
   Print    xxxi
   Musical Treatises    xxxi
Critical Commentary  xxxiii
Plates  xcv


 1. Missa brevis    3
 2. Missa Et trop penser    27
 3. Missa N’as tu pas   62
 4. Missa octavi toni   88


 Credo    121
 Credo cardinale    130


 Missa [sine nomine]   143


CMM 106-3 Cover

Contents and sample pages (PDF)

CMM 106, Vol. 3, The Motet Cycles.

Edited by Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl.

        1st. ed.     1998
     c+57 pp.
Bound copy temporarily out of stock.
Unbound 8.5x11(A4) offprint available.

CMM 106–3–POD   $36.00

Gaspar van Weerbeke, born around 1450 in the Flemish city of Oudenaarde, was one of the most acclaimed composers of the Josquin generation. Active primarily in Milan and Rome, he is known today as one of the few composers—along with Josquin, Compère, and Gaffurius—of motet cycles. This volume contains Weerbeke's contributions to this particular repertory, including the Marian cycles also known as “motetti missales,” meant to be performed during the mass. These motet cycles are relevant for understanding more about the use and performance context of motets as well as their combination into larger musical units intended to enrich liturgical and devotional services.

CMM 106-03, no. 1   Ave mundi domina   1
CMM 106-03, no. 2   Ave mater gloriosa   3
CMM 106-03, no. 3   Salve virgo virginum   5
CMM 106-03, no. 4   Anima mea liquefacta est   7
CMM 106-03, no. 5   Ave regina caelorum, ave   10
CMM 106-03, no. 6   Quem terra, pontus, aethera   12
CMM 106-03, no. 7   O virginum praeclara   14
CMM 106-03, no. 8   Fit porta Christi pervia   17
CMM 106-03, no. 1   Quam pulchra es   20
CMM 106-03, no. 2   Alma redemptoris mater   22
CMM 106-03, no. 3   Salve, virgo salutata   24
CMM 106-03, no. 4   O pulcherrima mulierum   25
CMM 106-03, no. 5   Ave regina caelorum, mater   28
CMM 106-03, no. 6   O Maria, clausus hortus   31
CMM 106-03, no. 7   Mater patris fiia   33
CMM 106-03, no. 8   Tota pulchra es   35
CMM 106-03, no. 1   Spiritus domini   38
CMM 106-03, no. 2   Veni sancte spiritus   41
CMM 106-03, no. 3   Beata gens   43
CMM 106-03, no. 4   Confirma hoc, deus   46
CMM 106-03, no. 5   Loquebantur variis linguis   48
CMM 106-03, no. 6   Factus est repente   51
CMM 106-03, no. I.4a   Anima mea liquefacta est (2nd version)   54
CMM 106-03, no. (III.5.)   Sancti spiritus adsit nobis   56


CMM 106-4 Cover

Contents and sample pages (PDF)

CMM 106, Vol. 4, Motets.

Edited by Agnese Pavanello.

        1st. ed.     2010
    36 cm     lxxx+110 pp.

CMM 106–4   978-1-59551-500-1   $98.00

Gaspar van Weerbeke, born around 1450 in the Flemish city of Oudenaarde, was one of the most acclaimed composers of the Josquin generation. Active primarily in Milan and Rome, he is known today as one of the few composers—along with Josquin, Compère, and Gaffurius—of motet cycles. This volume contains all known motets by the composer that are not transmitted in longer motet cycles. The repertory covers different styles (with or without ‘cantus prius factus’) and various types of sacred texts, some of which are related to specific liturgical functions. Here the composer reveals his mastery in exploring the possibilities of shaping short sacred works.

CMM 106-04, no. 1   Ave domina sancta Maria   3
CMM 106-04, no. 2   Ave mater omnium   7
CMM 106-04, no. 3   Ave regina celorum   10
CMM 106-04, no. 4   Salve sancta parens   18
CMM 106-04, no. 5   Virgo Maria, non est tibi similis   20
CMM 106-04, no. 6   Christi mater ave   22
CMM 106-04, no. 7   Mater digna Dei   25
CMM 106-04, no. 8   Ave stella matutina   29
CMM 106-04, no. 9   Ibo mihi ad montem Mirrhe   33
CMM 106-04, no. 10   O pulcherrima mulierum   35
CMM 106-04, no. 11   Vidi speciosam sicut columbam   38
CMM 106-04, no. 12   Adonay sanctissime Domine Deus   40
CMM 106-04, no. 13   O beate Sebastiane   43
CMM 106-04, no. 14   Anima Christi sanctifica me   51
CMM 106-04, no. 15   Ave verum corpus   54
CMM 106-04, no. 16   Panis angelicus   57
CMM 106-04, no. 17   Tenebre facte sunt   59
CMM 106-04, no. 18   Verbum caro factum est   62
CMM 106-04, no. 19   Dulcis amica Dei   69
CMM 106-04, no. 20   Stabat mater   83
CMM 106-04, no. A1   Ave, nostra salus   101   Anonymous
CMM 106-04, no. A2   Ave panis angelorum   104   Anonymous
CMM 106-04, no. A3   O inextimabilis dilectio   106   Anonymous
CMM 106-04, no. B1   Adonay sanctissime Domine Deus   108
CMM 106-04, no. B2   Virgo Maria, non est tibi similis   110


CMM 106-5 Cover

Sample Pages

CMM 106, Vol. 5, Settings of Liturgical Texts, Songs, and Instrumental Works.

Edited by Paul Kolb and Agnese Pavanello in collaboration with Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl.

        1st. ed.     2020
    36 cm     lxvi+96 pp.

CMM 106–5   978-1-59551-544-5   $135.00

Gaspar van Weerbeke, born around 1450 in the Flemish city of Oudenaarde, was one of the most acclaimed composers of the Josquin generation, active primarily in Milan and Rome. This volume contains the composer’s two main settings of liturgical texts, other than the masses, his Lamentatio Jeremie prophete and Magnificat octavi toni, as well as the six songs and instrumental wrks that bear an attributin to the composer. Conflicting and uncertain attributions raise questions about the authorship of these songs, and arguments in favor of an against Weerbeke are discussed in the introduction and individual work commentaries. The appendices contain the surviving tablature versons of these songs, a further opus dubium, and a related song.

General Preface  ix
 Editorial Principles  ix
 On This Volume  x
Acknowledgements  xi

List of Abbreviations  xii
Bibliographical References  xiii
Introduction  xxiii
 Settings of Liturgical Texts  xxiii
 Songs and Instrumental Works  xxiii
 Appendices  xxvii
Table of Sources  xxix
 Manuscripts  xxix
 Prints  xxxiii
 Intabulations  xxxiv
Critical Commentary  xxxv
Settings of Liturgical Texts
CMM 106-05, no. 1. Lamentatio Ieremiae prophetae  3
CMM 106-05, no. 2. Magnificat octavi toni  39
Songs and Instrumental Works: Authorship Largely Uncontested
CMM 106-05, no. 3. Bon temps/Adieu mes amours  57
CMM 106-05, no. 4. Que fait le cocu au bois   59
CMM 106-05, no. 5. Sans regretz   62
Songs and Instrumental Works: Authorship Contested
CMM 106-05, no. 6. La stangetta   67
CMM 106-05, no. 7. O Venus bant   70
CMM 106-05, no. 8. Vray dieu quel payne m'esse  72
Appendix A: Intabulations
CMM 106-05, no. A1. La stangetta Spinacino  77
CMM 106-05, no. A2. La stangetta Neusidler  79
CMM 106-05, no. A3. O Venus bant Spinacino  81
CMM 106-05, no. A4. Vray dieu quel  83
Appendix B: Opus Dubium
CMM 106-05, no. B1. J'ay pris amours/De tous biens plaine  87
CMM 106-05, no. B2. J'ay pris amours (intabulation)   91
Appendix C: Related Work
CMM 106-05, no. C1. Ce n'est pas sans  95



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