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Musica Disciplina


Contents and Sample Pages (PDF)

Musica Disciplina Vol. LVIII 2013.

MD 58   
ISSN: 0077-2461-58
ISBN: 978-1-59551-539-1
456 pp.   (2014)    $80.00



BEVILACQUA, Gregorio. “Conductus or Motet? A New Source and a Question of Genre.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):9

DUHAMEL, Pascale. “The Gothic Architecture of John of Garland’s De mensurabili musica.Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):29

EVERIST, Mark. “Master and Disciple: Teaching the Composition of Polyphony in the Thirteenth Century.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):51

GRAU, Anna Kathryn. “Hearing Voices: Heteroglossia, Homoglossia, and the Old French Motet.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):73

GUHL-MILLER, Solomon, "Three Hypothetical Phases of Notre Dame Organum Performance Practice.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):101

HAMILTON, Elina G. “Walter of Evesham and De speculatione musicae: Authority of Music Theory in Medieval England.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):153

MASCHKE, Eva M. “Porta Salutis Ave: Manuscript Culture, Material Culture, and Music.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):167

PLANCHART, Alejandro Enrique. “Proportion and Symbolism in Some Ars Antiqua Motets.» Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):231

RILLON-MARNE, Anne-Zoé. “Notre Dame Conductus and the Renewal of Speech at the Turn of the 12th and 13th Centuries: The Sonorous Framing of the Congregation.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):265

SABAINO, Daniele. “The Repertoire of Parisian Conductus as a Case-Study in the Tonal Organization of Gothic Polyphony.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):287

SAINT-CRICQ, Gaël, "Transmitting a Compositional Process: Two Thirteenth-Century Motets.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):327

SALTZSTEIN, Jennifer, "Ovid and the Thirteenth-Century Motet: Quotation, Reinterpretation, and Vernacular Hermeneutics.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):351

WILLAIMSON, Amy, "English Polyphonic Music around 1300: Genre and Repertory in Cambridge, Corpus Christi Ms 8.” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):373

WOLINSKI, Mary E. “Hocketing and the Imperfect Modes in Relation to Poetic Expression in the Thirteenth Century” Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):393

General Bibliography. Musica Disciplina 58 (2013):413



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