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Published Series
Musica Disciplina
Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
Corpus of Early Keyboard Music (CEKM)
Renaissance Manuscript Studies (RMS)
Musicological Studies and Documents (MSD)
Corpus scriptorum de musica (CSM)
Publications of Medieval Musical Manuscripts (PMMM)
Musical Theorists in Translation (MTT)
Collected Works (CW)
Musicological Studies (MS)
Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:
Levarie, Fundamentals of Harmony

Sample Pages
MS 5 Siegmund Levarie, Fundamentals of Harmony.
xiii+145 pp. 22 cm
MS 5
Fundamentals of Harmony by Siegmund Levarie. An introductory textbook on harmony.
I General premises
Ch. 1 Chord Structure
Ch. 2 Chord Progression
II The Major Mode
Ch. 3 Tonic, Subdominant, and Dominant
Ch. 4 Inversions of T, S, and D
Ch. 5 Tonic Relative, Subdominant Relative, and Dominant Relative
Ch. 6 Inversions of Tr, Sr, and Dr
Ch. 7 The Dominant Seventh Chord
Ch. 8 Other Seventh Chords
Ch. 9 Inversions of Seventh Chords
Ch. 10 The Diminished Triad
Ch. 11 Added Sixth
Ch. 12 Secondary Dominants
III The Minor Mode
Ch. 13 Basic Chords of the Natural Minor
Ch. 14 Seventh Chords, Including Inversions and Added Sixth
Ch. 15 Harmonic and Melodic Minor
Ch. 16 The Diminished Triad
IV. Ninth, Eleventh, and Thirteenth Chords
Ch. 17 The Dominant ninth Chord
Ch. 18 Other Ninth Chords
Ch. 19 The Diminished Seventh Chord
Ch. 20 Four Spellings of the Diminshed Seventh Chord
Ch. 21 The Three Different Diminished Seventh Chords
Ch. 22 Eleventh and Thirteenth Chords
V. Altered Chords
Ch. 23 Alterations of the Major Triad. The Augmented Triad
Ch. 24 Alterations of the Minor Triad. The Neapolitan Sixth Chord.
Ch. 25 Alterations of the Dominant Seventh Chord. The French and Italian Sixth Chords
Ch. 26 Alterations of the Dominant ninth Chord. The German Sixth Chord
VI. Modulation
Ch. 27 General considerations
Ch. 28 Cadential Modulation Upward Not Farther Than Five Keys
Ch. 29 Cadential Modulation Upward Farther Than Five Keys
Ch. 30 Cadential Modulation Downward not Farther than Five Keys
Ch. 31 Cadential Modulation Downward Farther than Five Keys
Ch. 32 Chromatic Modulation
Ch. 33 Enharmonic Modulation
VII. Harmonic Analysis
Ch. 34 Simple Chorale
Ch. 35 Free Settings
VIII. Realization of Figured Bass
Ch. 36 Realization of Figured Bass