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Musica Disciplina
Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
Corpus of Early Keyboard Music (CEKM)
Renaissance Manuscript Studies (RMS)
Musicological Studies and Documents (MSD)
Corpus scriptorum de musica (CSM)
Publications of Medieval Musical Manuscripts (PMMM)
Musical Theorists in Translation (MTT)
Collected Works (CW)
Musicological Studies (MS)
Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:
Mattfeld, Georg Rhaw's Publications for Vespers

Sample Pages
MS 11 Victor H. Mattfeld, Georg Rhaw's Publications for Vespers.
363 pp. 26 cm
MS 11
$77.00 |
Georg Rhaw's Publications for Vespers. A study and analysis of the repertorie.
Ch. 1 Introduction
Ch. 2 The Liturgical Scene in the Wittenberg Church circa 1517
Ch. 3 The Liturgical Scene within the Lutheran Church from Ist Beginnings in 1517 until circa 1550
Ch. 4 The Vesper Service of the Protestant Church until circa 1550
Ch. 5 Georg Rhaw, Musician, Educator, and Publisher of Music
Ch. 6 The Liturgical Aspects of Rhaw's Publications for Vespers
Ch. 7 The Musical Aspects of Rhaw's Publications for Vespers
Appendix I The Organization of Hymns and Responsories in Nicolaus Medler,
Kirchenordnung…Naumburg, 1538
Appendix II The Responsories in the Prussian Kirchenordnung, 1525
Appendix III The Publications in Music from the Press of Georg Rhaw, 1528-1548
Appendix IV The Psalm-Tones as Used in Rhaw, Vesperarum Precum Officia…, 1540
Appendix V The Chants for the Benedicamus and Versicles as Used in Rhaw, Vesperarum Precum
Officia…, 1540
Appendix VI The Tones for the Magnificat as Used in Rhaw's Collections for Vespers
Appendix VII The Cantus Firmi as Used in the Psalm Antiphons of Rhaw's Vesper Collections
Appendix VIII Miscellaneous Chants Used as Cantus Firmi in Rhaw's Vesper Collections