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Musica Disciplina
Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
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Musicological Studies (MS)
Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:
Crane, Materials for Study of 15th-Century Basse Danse

Sample Pages
MS 16 Frederick Crane, Materials for the Study of the Fifteenth Century Basse Danse.
[iv]+131 pp. 25 cm
MS 16
Materials for the Study of the Fifteenth Century Basse Danse. A study of the repertoire.
I. Introduction 1
II. The Sources 3
III. Editorial Procedures 31
Texts 31
Music 31
Steps 33
IV. The Treatises and Other Material on the Technique of the Basse Danse 36
1. The Treatise of B and T 36
2. The Treatise of L 38
3. The Treatise of J 39
4. Gracia. From the section "La dança con sus invencioñs y letras" 41
5. From the Reglas de danzar (MadA) 42
6. Sir Thomas Elyot, from The Boke Named the Governour (E) 42
V. The Dances 44
Appendix A. Presumed Basse-danse Music 62
Appendix B. Titles of Lost Dances 67
VI. Notes on the Dances 68
VII. Dance Tunes Compared with their Sources 109
VIII. The Basse Danse Art 114
IX. Bibliography 118
X Index of Titles of Basses Danses and Related Pieces 129