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Published Series
Musica Disciplina
Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
Corpus of Early Keyboard Music (CEKM)
Renaissance Manuscript Studies (RMS)
Musicological Studies and Documents (MSD)
Corpus scriptorum de musica (CSM)
Publications of Medieval Musical Manuscripts (PMMM)
Musical Theorists in Translation (MTT)
Collected Works (CW)
Musicological Studies (MS)
Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:
MS 21-1 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 1. A Critical Study
MS 21-2 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 2. Opus sacrarum cantionum
MS 21-3 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 3. Collected Editions
MS 21-4 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 4. Manuscripts
Marshall, Crecquillon 4-Voice Motets.
1: Introduction

Sample Pages
MS 21 H. Lowen Marshall, Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1480/1500-1557). The Four-Voice Motets.
Part 1. The Motets: A Critical Study.
[vi]+113 pp. 30 cm
MS 21-1
$57.00 |
Four-Voice motets of Thomas Crecquillon. A critical study.
Preface 1
Chapter I. Introduction
A. The Purpose of the Study 1
B. Organization of the Study 1
C. Editorial Procedures 2
Chapter II. Review of the Literature Concerning Crecquillon 4
Chapter III. The Motets In Manuscript 11
Chapter IV. Problems of Attribution
A. Erroneous Attributions 17
B. Conflicting Ascriptions 19
C. Other Problems Concerning Attribution 20
Chapter V. The Texts
A. Sources and Liturgical Uses
Introduction 21
The Motets of the Opus Sacrarum Cantionum 22
The Motets Found in the Printed Collections 32
The Motets Found Only in Manuscripts 45
B. Underlaying of the Texts 51
Chapter VI. Aspects of Musical Style
A. Treatment of the Melodic Line 57
B. Rhythm and Meter 62
C. Use of Modes 66
D. Musica Flcta 73
E. Text-Painting 77
F. Texture 79
G. Treatment of Dissonance 84
The Passing Tone 85
The Auxiliary 88
The Anticipation 89
The Suspension 91
The Escape Tone 95
The Nota Cambiata 97
The Consonant Fourth 100
The Six-Five Chord 102
Unusual Treatment of Dissonance 108
H. Other Observations 110
MS 21-1 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 1. A Critical Study
MS 21-2 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 2. Opus sacrarum cantionum
MS 21-3 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 3. Collected Editions
MS 21-4 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 4. Manuscripts
Marshall, Crecquillon 4-Voice Motets.
2: Opus sacrarum cantionum

Sample Pages
MS 21 H. Lowen Marshall, Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1480/1500-1557). The Four-Voice Motets.
Part 2. The Motets of the Opus sacrarum cantionum.
xxiii+121 pp. 30 cm
MS 21-2
$67.00 |
Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1480/1500-1557). The Four-Voice Motets. Part 2. The Motets of the Opus sacrarum cantionum, 16 motets for 4 voices. Edition and commentary.
The Sources
1. Cognoscimus Domine 1
2. Factus est repente 11
3. Ingemuit Susanna 16
4. Servus tuus ego sum 23
5. Vidi civitatem sanctam 31
6. Cum deambularet 37
7. Salve crux sancta 45
8. Verbum caro factum est 54
9. Virgo gloriosa 59
10. Unus panis et unum corpus 68
11. Salve festa dies 77
12. Justum deduxit Dominus 83
13. Domine pater 93
14. Zacheae festinans 101
15. Virgo ante partum 110
16. Domine Deus exercituum 114
MS 21-1 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 1. A Critical Study
MS 21-2 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 2. Opus sacrarum cantionum
MS 21-3 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 3. Collected Editions
MS 21-4 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 4. Manuscripts
Marshall, Crecquillon 4-Voice Motets.
3: Collected Editions

Sample Pages |
MS 21 H. Lowen Marshall, Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1480/1500-1557). The Four-Voice Motets.
Part 3. The Motets from the Miscellaneous Printed Editions.
ix+133 pp. 30 cm
MS 21-3
$67.00 |
Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1480/1500-1557). The Four-Voice Motets. Part 3. The Motets from the Miscellaneous Printed Editions. 19 motets for four voices. Edition and commentary.
The Sources
17. Sum tuus in vita 1
18. Practicantes mali 8
19. Quid gloriaris 15
20. Job tonso capite 23
21. Cor mundum crea in me 30
22. Quae est ista quae ascendit 39
23. Impetum inimicorum ne timueritis 48
24. Erravi sicut ovis 54
25. Benedicite Dominus 62
26. Jubilate Deo omnis terra 68
27. Delectare in Domino 74
28. Surge illuminare Jerusalem 82
29. Virgo gloriosa 91
30. Gabriel angelus 102
31. Os loquentium 110
32. Verbum iniquum et dolosum 115
33. Quis dabit mihi pennas 119
34. Sancta Maria 126
35. Quicquid agas, prudenter agas 131
MS 21-1 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 1. A Critical Study
MS 21-2 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 2. Opus sacrarum cantionum
MS 21-3 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 3. Collected Editions
MS 21-4 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 4. Manuscripts
Marshall, Crecquillon 4-Voice Motets.
4: Motets in Manuscripts

Sample Pages
MS 21 H. Lowen Marshall, Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1480/1500-1557). The Four-Voice Motets.
Part 4. The Motets found only in Manuscripts.
iii+72 pp. 30 cm
MS 21-4
$53.00 |
Thomas Crecquillon (ca. 1480/1500-1557). The Four-Voice Motets. Part 4. The Motets found only in Manuscripts. 9 Motets for four voices. Edition and commentary.
The Sources
36. Veni creator spiritus 1
37. O lux beata trinitas 6
38. Ecce ego mitto vos 9
39. Recordare Domine 19
40. Ecce nos reliquimus 29
41. Pater peccavi 37
42. Salve salutis unica spes 46
43. O beata infantia 57
44. Super montem excelsum 65
MS 21-1 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 1. A Critical Study
MS 21-2 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 2. Opus sacrarum cantionum
MS 21-3 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 3. Collected Editions
MS 21-4 Marshall, The Four-Voice Motets of Crecquillon, Pt. 4. Manuscripts