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Musica Disciplina
Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
Corpus of Early Keyboard Music (CEKM)
Renaissance Manuscript Studies (RMS)
Musicological Studies and Documents (MSD)
Corpus scriptorum de musica (CSM)
Publications of Medieval Musical Manuscripts (PMMM)
Musical Theorists in Translation (MTT)
Collected Works (CW)
Musicological Studies (MS)
Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:
Smith, Speculum Musicae, Jacobus Leodiensis, Pt. II: Commentary

Sample Pages
MS 22 F. Joseph Smith, Jacobi Leodiensis, Speculum Musicae.
Part II: A Commentary.
xvi+154 pp. 25 cm
MS 22
978-0-91202-495-0 $57.00 |
Jacobi Leodiensis, Speculum Musicae. Part II: A commentary and study. See also MS 13 (Part I) and MS 43 (Part III).
List of Abbreviations IX
Introduction XI
I. The Meaning of ‘Music’ in the Speculum Musicae 1
a. The Etymology of the Word, Music 3
b. The Theoretical Orientation of the Middle Ages toward the Definition 5
c. Musical Consonance as the Heart of the Meaning and Definition of Music 8
d. A Contemporary Critique of Medieval Musical Intellectualism 14
e. The ‘End’ of the Aesthetics of Music? 15
II. The Division of Libri II-V 18
III. The Consonance-Dissonance Question 27
a. Harmonic Modulation 29
b. Concord and Discord 36
c. Consonance and Dissonance 54
IV. Major Consonances and their Composition 63
a. The Unison 63
b. The Diapason 67
c. The Diapente 74
d. The Diatessaron 77
V. The Tonal Particles and their Place in the Consonantal System 83
a. The Minor Semitone: The Diesis 94
b. The Major Semitone: The Apotome 99
VI. The Minor Consonances and their Implications 108
a. The Semiditonus 1o9
b. The Ditonus 112
c. The Semitritonus 114
d. The Tritone: The 'Diabolus in Musica' 116
e. Other Consonances from the Semitonium minus cum Diapente through to the Tonus cum
Diapente et Bis Diapason 118
VII. Conclusion Ars Antiqua vs. Ars Nova 122
a. The Theorist as Arch-Intellectual 124
b. New Sonorities and Old Consonantal Hierarchies 131
Postscript 139
a. A proposed Passage out of Historicism 139
b. Musical Aesthetics as an Attempt to delve into musical Subject 142
c. The "Inner Meaning" of the musical Experience 144
d. The question of musical "Form" 146
e. Musical Time: A Critique of linear Temporality in Music 149
f. The Reuniting of Music and Philosophy: The Example of the Greeks 153 |