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Musica Disciplina
Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
Corpus of Early Keyboard Music (CEKM)
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Musicological Studies (MS)
Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:
MS 27-1 Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier. Part 1. Commentary
MS 27-2 Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier. Part 2. Transcriptions
Atlas, Cappella Giulia Chansonnier,
I: Commentary

Sample Pages
MS 27 Allan Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier (Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, C.G. XIII.27).
Part 1. Commentary.
[x]+293 pp. 32 cm
MS 27-1
$62.00 |
The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier (Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, C.G. XIII.27). Part 1. Commentary
Acknowledgements ii
Plates I-VIII iii
Introduction: C .G.XIII. 27 in the Musicological Literature 1
Chapter I: Diplomatics and Paleography 7
Material, Size, Foliation, Structure of the Gatherings, Binding and Watermarks 7
The Scribes and Matters of Paleography; The Palimpsests; The Manner in which the Source was Compiled 8
The First Opening, The Illuminated Initials, and The Coat of Arms 16
The Miniature 17
The Binding 18
Table I: Scribal Emendations in the Music 20
Chapter II: The Provenance of C.G.XIII.27 23
The Family 23
The Place of Origin 24
The Date of Compilation 26
The Recipient of C.G.XIII.27 28
Chapter III: C.G.XIII.27 and G. O. Pitoni 33
Chapter IV: The Methodology of Relating Sources 39
Chapter V: The Music of C.G.XIII.27 49
Chapter VI: The Dissemination of the Franco-Netherlandish Chanson in Italy: Circa 1450-Circa 1530 233
Introduction 233
Sources and Traditions 234
Conclusion 258
Index of Text Incipits 259
Index of Composers 263
Index of Sources and Their Abbreviations 267
Manuscripts 267
Prints 270
Instrumental Intabulations 270
Bibliography 271
Addenda 293
MS 27-1 Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier. Part 1. Commentary
MS 27-2 Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier. Part 2. Transcriptions
Atlas, Cappella Giulia Chansonnier,
II: Transcriptions

Sample Pages
MS 27 Allan Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier (Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, C.G. XIII.27).
Part 2. Transcriptions.
ii+86 pp. 32 cm
MS 27-2
978-0-91292-424-3 $50.00 |
The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier (Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, C.G. XIII.27). Part 2. Transcriptions of 35 chansons for 3-4 voices.
2. Quant se viendra (recte: En effait) 1
10. D'ung aultre la 3
13. Mire vous sire 5
14. Revis an espoir 7
15. De tous biens plainte 9
18. Ja bien rise tant 14
21. Pensés bien 16
22. S'elle par amours 19
23. Questa mia dame 21
32. Vous n'aves point (Caron) 23
34. Des biens (Martini) 25
38. En efait (=En riens de remede) 28
44. Perget (recte: Nuit et jour), Fresneau 30
46. Nel cour si destruge 32
50. Nec michi nec tibi (=Helas), Virgilas 34
51. Fortuna desperata, Felice 38
52b. De tous biens plaine 43
53. Le souvenir 45
61. La martinella (=Le serviteur) 47
65. Recorre al corazon 49
77. Gracias a vous donzella 51
80. Vray dieu, quel paine (=Quadraginta annis), Weerbecke or Compère 52
82. Adrieu bon temps 56
83. De les mon getes (=Voles oïr une chanson) Compère 58
85. Adieu joye 62
86. Fachies moy 63
89. Madame qui tant, [Caron] 66
92. Eh! Vogue la galée 69
94. Toutes doux 71
99. Advegne que vegnir poura 74
100. Quel remede de monstrer 76
101. D'argent je suis legier (=Une sans plus) 78
104. Readoy lo diner (recte: La doy je aymer) 80
107. Le paragon 82
108. Dites moy belle (=Dictes moy toutes) [Compère] 84
MS 27-1 Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier. Part 1. Commentary
MS 27-2 Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier. Part 2. Transcriptions