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Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:
MS 39-1 Gedenkschrift Gordon A. Anderson, Pt. 1: Bent-Gillingham
MS 39-2 Gedenkschrift Gordon A. Anderson, Pt. 2: Godt-Tischler
Gedenkschrift - G. Anderson,
I: Bent-Gillingham

Sample Pages
MS 39 Gordon Athol Anderson (1929-1981). In Memoriam. Von Seinen Studenten, Freunden, und Kollegen.
Teil 1: Bent-Gillingham.
Edited by Luther Dittmer.
[vi]+263 pp. 25 cm
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MS 39-1
Gordon Athol Anderson (1929-1981). In Memoriam. Von Seinen Studenten, Freunden, und Kollegen. Teil 1: Bent-Gillingham.
BENT, Margaret. The Progeny of Old Hall: More Leaves from a Royal English Choirbook 1
ČERNÝ, Jaromir. Pozústatky ars antiqua v českých zemich 55
DEUSEN, Nancy van. Manuscript and «Milieu:» Illustration in Liturgical Music Manuscripts 71
DITTMER, Luther A. Ludwigs Nachträge zum zweiten Bande des Repertoriums 87
EVERIST Mark E. A Reconstructed Source for the Thirteenth-Century Conductus 97
FISCHER, Kurt von. A Study on Text Declamation in Francesco Landini's Two Part Madrigals 109
FLINDELL, Fred. Conductus in the Later Ars Antiqua 131
ГЕРЦМАН, Евгений Влимирович. Античная музЫкальная акустика о езонансе 205
GILLINGHAM, Bryan. St-Martial Polyphony--A Catalogue Raisonné 211
MS 39-1 Gedenkschrift Gordon A. Anderson, Pt. 1: Bent-Gillingham
MS 39-2 Gedenkschrift Gordon A. Anderson, Pt. 2: Godt-Tischler
Gedenkschrift - G. Anderson,
II: Godt-Tischler

Sample Pages
MS 39 Gordon Athol Anderson (1929-1981). In Memoriam. Von Seinen Studenten, Freunden, und Kollegen.
Teil 2: Godt-Tischler.
Edited by Luther Dittmer.
[vi]+[264-573] pp. 25 cm
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MS 39-2
Gordon Athol Anderson (1929-1981). In Memoriam. Von Seinen Studenten, Freunden, und Kollegen. Teil 2: Godt-Tischler.
GODT, Irving & RIVERA, Benito. The Vatican Organum Treatise--A Colour Reproduction,
Transcription, and Translation 264
HAIR, Greta-Mary. A Comparison of Two Transcriptions of Early Eleventh Century Trope/Chant
Compositions to the Introit and Communion for Christmas Day from Ms Paris, Bibliothèque
NationaIe, Fonds Latin 903 346
HILEY, David. The Plica and Liquescence 379
HUGLO, Michel. Les Sequences de Münsterbilsen (Bruxelles/Brussel, Bibliothèque Royale, 9786-
9790) 392
JORDAN, Wesley D. A Collection of Early Antiphonar Fragments from Portugal (Lisboa, Viseu,
Ponte de Lima, and Guimaraes): A Miscellany of Historical and Technical Observations 403
KARP, Theodore. Three Trouvère Chansons in Mensural Notation 474
REANEY, Gilbert. Musical and Textual Relationships among Early 15th-Century Manuscripts 495
SANDERS, Ernest. Style and Technique in Datable Polyphonic Notre-Dame Conductus 505
SCHLAGER, Karlheinz. Beobachtungen zur frühen Sequenz in ost-und westfränkischer
Überlieferung 531
SMITH. Robyn. Towards a New Edition of the French Double and Triple Motets in Fascicles II, V,
and VII of the Manuscript Montpellier, Bibliothèque de l'Ecole de Médecine, H 196: Some Comments
on Editorial Method and the Motet «Qui la vaudroit» / «Qui d'amors velt bien joïr» / «Qui
longuement porroit joïr» / Nostrum (Mo ff. 23v-25r) 544
TISCHLER, Hans. The «Spirit of an Epoch» Revisited 555
TISCHLER, Hans. Gordon Athol Anderson's Conductus Edition and the Rhythm of Conductus 561
MS 39-1 Gedenkschrift Gordon A. Anderson, Pt. 1: Bent-Gillingham
MS 39-2 Gedenkschrift Gordon A. Anderson, Pt. 2: Godt-Tischler