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Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:
MS 41-1 Auld, Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin. Pt. 1: Birth of French Opera
MS 41-2 Auld, Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin. Pt. 2: Lyric Theory and Practice
Auld, Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin.M
I: Birth of French Opera

Sample Pages
MS 41 Louis E. Auld, The Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin, Founder of French Opera.
Part 1: Birth of French Opera.
[viii]+216 pp. 25 cm
MS 41-1
$77.00 |
The Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin, Founder of French Opera. Part 1: Birth of French Opera. By Louis E. Auld. Study with music examples.
The Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin
Volume I
The Birth of French Opera
General Preface 1
Part One: The Times and the Man
Chapter I «Pre-Classicism» and Turmoil 11
Chapter II «Ce Curieux Personnage» Pierre Perrin 25
Part Two: In Search of Orpheus: Theory of Opera
Chapter III «An Immense Aspiration»: Pre-Operatic Genres and First Experiments 69
Chapter IV The LETTER on Opera, and Commentary Letter to Monseigneur Della Rovera 101
Presentation: The Success of the Pastorale (parag. a, b) 109
Criticism of Italian Opera (c.1 -2) 112
Point One: The Text (d-e) 116
Plot 118
Fictional Levels 127
Character 137
Discussion 141
Declamation 145
Point Two: Musical Styles (f) 156
Prosody 173
Recitative 182
Expression 189
Point Three: Length of Operas (g) 204
Point Four: Length of Solos (h) 205
Point Five: Variety and Contrast (i) 206
Point Six: Foreign Language (j) 207
Point Seven: Manneristic Poetry (k) 209
Point Eight: Faulty Acoustics (l) 210
Point Nine: Castrati (m) 211
Lyric Principles (n) 212
The Closing (0) 213
MS 41-1 Auld, Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin. Pt. 1: Birth of French Opera
MS 41-2 Auld, Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin. Pt. 2: Lyric Theory and Practice
Auld, Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin.M
II: Lyric Theory and Practice

Sample Pages
MS 41 Louis E. Auld, The Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin, Founder of French Opera.
Part 2: Lyric Theory and Practice.
[viii]+200 pp. 25 cm
MS 41-2
$77.00 |
The Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin, Founder of French Opera. Part 2: Lyric Theory and Practice. By Louis E. Auld. Study with music examples.
The Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin
Volume II
Lyric Theory and Practice
Part Three: «The Marriage of the Two Sisters, Music and Poetry» Chapter V Lyric in the
Seventeenth Century 1
Chapter VI Lyric Theory and Practice 23
FOREWORD to the Recueil de Paroles de Musique 23
Section I Variety, Novelty, and Character of this Collection (para. a) 35
Section II AEsthetics and Rhetoric An Ars lyrica (q.2-3) 40
Purpose of the Lyric (b) 42
Subjects and Modes (c) 45
Who May Sing? (d) 48
Agreement between Matter and Mode (e, f.1, f.7) 53
Six Styles (g) 54
Section III Diction 55
Figures (f.1) 55
Inversions (f.2) 74
Myth-Metaphor (f.7) 75
Vocabulary (f.6) 82
Douceur (i, f.3) 82
Section IV Versification 89
Length of Line (k) 94
Rhyme (j) 104
Masculine and Feminine Lines (1) 108
Syllabic Quantities (h) 111
Section V Forms and Genres 135
Genres (n) 135
The Air (o.l) 136
Use of Second Verse (p.1) 138
Strophes (m) 139
Rondeau; No Second Verse (0.2, p.2) 141
The Chanson (q.l) 143
«Matching Songs» (q.2) 146
Grands Récits, or Cantatas (r) 147
Ensemble Pieces (s) 149
Drinking and Serenades (t, u) 150
Mascarades and Ballets (v) 151
Operas (w, x.l,2,3) 154
Devotional Pieces (y) 154
Latin Pieces (z) 159
Epitre au Roy from the Cantica pro capella Regis 165
Avant-Propos from the Cantica pro capella Regis 167
A. Composers represented in the Recueil de Paroles de Musique 171
B. Pieces and Composers in the OEuvres de Poësie (1661) 172
MS 41-1 Auld, Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin. Pt. 1: Birth of French Opera
MS 41-2 Auld, Lyric Art of Pierre Perrin. Pt. 2: Lyric Theory and Practice