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Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:

Spiess, Historical Musicology


Sample Pages

MS 4 Lincoln Bunce Spiess, Historical Musicology: A Reference Manual for Research in Music.

      xiii+294 pp.  25 cm

  Bound copy temporarily out of stock.
Unbound 8.5x11(A4) offprint available.

MS 4–POD   $57.00

Historical Musicology: A Reference Manual for Research in Music by Lincoln Bunce Spiess.

  Part 1 Introduction
  Ch. 1 Bibliography and the Historical Musicologist
  Ch. 2 Musicology and the Middle Ages and Renaissance
  Ch. 3 Musicology and the Baroque Era
  Ch. 4 Musicology and the Classic and the Romantic Periods
  Ch. 5 Musicology and the Twentieth Century

  Part 2 Bibliography
  A. General Bibliography in Musicology
  1. Reference Works
  2. Music Histories
  3. Collections of Music
  4. Theoretical Works
  5. Periodicals and Collections of Articles
  6. Recorded Music
  7. Histories of Related Arts, Culture, and Religion
  B. Bibliographz of Ancient and Oriental Music
  C. Bibliographz of Medieval and Renaissance Music
  1. Historical Studies
  2. Monographs on Individual Composers and Theorists
  3. Original Historical and Theoretical Writings
  4. Studies of Specific Categories
  5. Related Arts and Cultural Studies
  6. Music
  7. Addenda
  D. Bibliography of Baroque Music
  1. Historical Studies
  2. Monographs on Individual Composers and Theorists
  3. Original Historical and Theoretical Writings
  4. Studies of Specific Categories
  5. Related Arts and Cultural Studies
  6. Music
  7. Addenda
  E. Bibliography of Classic and Romantic Music
  1. Historical Studies
  2. Monographs on Individual Composers and Theorists
  3. Original Historical and Theoretical Writings
  4. Studies of Specific Categories
  5. Related Arts and Cultural Studies
  6. Music
  7. Addenda
  F. Bibliography of Twentieth-Century Music
  1. Historical Studies
  2. Monographs on Individual Composers and Theorists
  3. Original Historical and Theoretical Writings
  4. Studies of Specific Categories
  5. Related Arts and Cultural Studies
  6. Music
  7. Addenda
  Appendix 1. The Development of Modern Musicology, Ernst C. Krohn
  Appendix 2. The Doctoral Dissertation in Mujsic, Lloyd Hibberd
  Appendix 3. Language and the Musicologist, Luther A. Dittmer
  Index of Publishers
  Index of Proper Names



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