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Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:

Borroff, An Introduction to E.-C. Jacquet de la Guerre


Sample Pages

MS 12 Edith Borroff. An Introduction to Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre.

      180 pp.  26 cm

MS 12  978-0-91202-482-0  $58.00

An introduction to Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre. A study of the composer and her works.

  Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre  3
  The Vocal Works
    The Opera Céphale et Procris  21
      Musical Examples 1-13  32
    The Cantatas  45
  Title Page Cephale et Procris and Likeness of Elisabeth 52
      Musical Examples 14-24  61
  The Instrumental Works
    The Unpublished Sonatas 87
      Musical Examples 25-43  96
  Plates  I-IV  101
      The Publication of 1707  110
      The Harpsichord Pieces 115
    Musical Examples 44-59 128
      The Violin Sonatas 135
   Musical Examples 60-79
  Plates V -VIII 153
  Appendix-The Will of Elisabeth-Claude de La Guerre 160
  Bibliography  174



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