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Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:

MS 24-1 Anderson, Latin Comps. in Fasc. 7 & 8 of Notre Dame MS Wolfenbüttel H. 1099. Pt. I: Commentary
MS 24-2 Anderson, Latin Comps. in Fasc. 7 & 8 of Notre Dame MS Wolfenbüttel H. 1099. Pt. II: Transcriptions

Anderson, Latin Compositions in Fascicles 7&8 of W2, I: Commentary


Sample Pages

MS 24 Gordon Athol Anderson, The Latin Compositions in Fascicules 7 and 8 of the Notre Dame Manuscript Wolfenbüttel Helmstadt 1099 (1206).

Part I. Critical Commentary, Translation of the Texts, and Historical Observations.

     xxi+394 pp.   25 cm

MS 24-1  978-0-93190-202-4  $64.00

The Latin Compositions in Fascicules 7 and 8 of the Notre Dame Manuscript Wolfenbüttel Helmstadt 1099 (1206). Part I. Critical Commentary, Translation of the Texts, and Historical Observations.

  Critical Notes


MS 24-1 Anderson, Latin Comps. in Fasc. 7 & 8 of Notre Dame MS Wolfenbüttel H. 1099. Pt. I: Commentary
MS 24-2 Anderson, Latin Comps. in Fasc. 7 & 8 of Notre Dame MS Wolfenbüttel H. 1099. Pt. II: Transcriptions

Anderson, Latin Compositions in Fascicles 7&8 of W2, II: Transcriptions


Sample Pages

MS 24 Gordon Athol Anderson, The Latin Compositions in Fascicules 7 and 8 of the Notre Dame Manuscript Wolfenbüttel Helmstadt 1099 (1206).

Part II. Transcriptions.

    xvi+288 pp.  32 cm

MS 24-2  978-0-93190-203-1  $82.00

The Latin Compositions in Fascicules 7 and 8 of the Notre Dame Manuscript Wolfenbüttel Helmstadt 1099 (1206). Part II. Transcriptions.

  Introductio, Addenda et Corrigenda
  Index of Textual Incipts

MS 24-1 Anderson, Latin Comps. in Fasc. 7 & 8 of Notre Dame MS Wolfenbüttel H. 1099. Pt. I: Commentary
MS 24-2 Anderson, Latin Comps. in Fasc. 7 & 8 of Notre Dame MS Wolfenbüttel H. 1099. Pt. II: Transcriptions


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