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Originally published by the Institute of Medieval Music; now distributed by AIM:

Facsimile Opera Omnia Faugues


Sample Pages

PMMM 7 Opera Omnia Faugues, Facsimile of the Compositions of Faugues from the Manuscripts Trent 88, Trent 91, Cappella Sistina 14, Cappella Sistina 51, Verona DCCLXI, Modena alpha M.1.13.

Introduction by George C. Schuetze, Jr.

     xii+109 pp.  25 cm

PMMM 7  978-0-91202-407-3  $55.00

Facsimile of the Compositions of Faugues from the Manuscripts Trent 88, Trent 91, Cappella Sistina 14, Cappella Sistina 51, Verona DCCLXI, Modena alpha M.1.13 with an Introduction in English and German by George C. Schuetze, Jr. See also the edition (CW 1) and the scientific study (MS 2) by the same author.

  Table of Manuscripts


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